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Working Paper
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Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex C Ezeh, Nyovani J Madise, and James Ciera. "Progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the dynamics of population growth, immunization, and access to clean water." BMC Public Health 7, no. 1 (2007): 218.
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Fotso, Jean-Christophe, and Barthelemy Kuate-Defo. "Household and community socioeconomic influences on early childhood malnutrition in Africa." Journal of biosocial science 38, no. 03 (2006): 289-313.
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Fotso, Jean-Christophe, Alex C Ezeh, and Hildah Essendi. "Maternal health in resource-poor urban settings: how does women's autonomy influence the utilization of obstetric care services." Reproductive Health 6, no. 9 (2009): 1-8.
Journal Article
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