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Journal Article
Som, Suparna, Manoranjan Pal, Bishwanath Bhattacharya, Susmita Bharati, and Premananda Bharati. "Socioeconomic differentials in nutritional status of children in the states of West Bengal and Assam, India." Journal of Biosocial Science 38, no. 5 (2006): 625.
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Suresh Chand Aggarwa. "Informalization of Industrial Labour in India: Are Labour Market Rigidities and Growing Import Competition to Blame?." (2010) Institute for Economic Growth, New Delhi, Manuscript.
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Book Section
Sharma, Savita, Janardan Yadav, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal. "India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao." (2010) 7. Divergence between NAS and NSS estimates of private final consumption expenditure.
Book Section
Sengupta, Ramprasad, Pulin B Nayak, Bishwanath Goldar, and Pradeep Agarwal. "India's economy and growth: Essays in honour of V K R V Rao." (2010) 8. Inclusive economic growth and sustainable energy development of India.
Working Paper
Goldar, Bishwanath. "Impact of trade on employment generation in manufacturing in India." (2009) Institute of Economic Growth University of Delhi Enclave North Campus.
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Dasgupta, Purnamita, and Bishwanath Goldar. "Female labour supply in rural India: An econometric analysis." (2005) The Institute of Economic Growth Working Paper.
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Veeramani, Choorikkad, and Bishwanath Goldar. "Investment climate and total factor productivity in manufacturing: Analysis of Indian states." (2004) Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.
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Banga, Rashmi, and Bishwanath Goldar. "Contribution of services to output growth and productivity in Indian manufacturing: pre-and post-reforms." Economic and Political Weekly 42, no. 26 (2007): 2769-2777.
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Rashmi Banga. "Impact of Trade Liberalization on Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Industries." Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade Working Paper Series , no. 36 (2007).
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Suresh Chand Aggarwal. "Trade liberalization and price-cost margin in Indian industries." The Developing Economies 43, no. 3 (2005): 346-373.
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Virmani, Arvind, Bishwanath Goldar, Choorikkad Veeramani, and Vipul Bhatt. "Impact of tariff reforms on Indian industry: assessment based on a multi-sector econometric model." Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Working Paper , no. 135 (2004).
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Rashmi Banga. "Wage Productivity Relationship in Organised Manufacturing in India: A Statewise Analysis." The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 48, no. 2 (2005): 259-72.
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Goldar, Bishwanath, VS Renganathan, and Rashmi Banga. "Ownership and Efficiency in Engineering Firms: 1990-91 to 1999-2000." Economic and Political Weekly 39, no. 5 (2004): 441-447.
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Goldar, Bishwanath, Suresh Aggarwal, Deb Kusum Das, Abdul A Erumban, and Pilu Chadra Das. "Productivity Growth and Levels-A comparison of Formal and Informal Manufacturing in India." (2016) Disaggregate Industry Level Productivity Analysis for India: The KLEMS.
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Suresh Chand Aggarwal. "Structural Changes in Manufacturing Employment in India, 1999-2011." (2017)
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Goldar, Bishwanath, and Amit Sadhukhan. "Employment and wages in Indian manufacturing: Post-reform performance." Employment Policy Department EMPLOYMENT Working Paper , no. 185 (2015).
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Goldar, Bishwanath. "Manufacturing growth in India in recent years: Is it getting overstated in India’s new GDP series?." Indian Growth and Development Review 9, no. 2 (2016): 102-113.
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Working Paper
Sudarshan, Ratna, and Shrayana Bhattacharya. "Through the magnifying glass: Women's work and labour force participation in urban Delhi." (2008) International Labour Office.
Book Section
Majumdar, Manabi, and Dwaipayan Bhattacharya. "Interrogating social capital: The Indian experience." (2004) 6. Classes for the masses? Social capital, social distance and the quality of the govemment school system.
Working Paper
Bhattacharya, Basabi. "Urbanisation and Human Development in West Bengal: A District Level Study and Comparison with Inter-State Variation." Economic and Political Weekly 33, no. 47/48 (1998): 3027-3032.
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