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Showing 61-90 of 280
Book Section
Esparza, Martha Puente L, María del Socorro Ortiz M Facundo, and Adriana Ramos E Ávila.
Investigaciones sociales en torno a la mercadotecnia y la sustentabilidad
(2015) Cultura fiscal: el conocimiento de los trabajadores sobre el recibo de nómina electrónico, implicaciones económicas y fiscales.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Fabio, Ana Maria Acevedo, Magda Alejandra Calderon, Diana Socorro Lopez, and Maria Paula Gonzalez.
Riesgo nutricional e inseguridad alimentaria en una población infantil del municipio de Soacha
Revista Colombiana de Enfermeria 11, no. 10 (2015): 63-72.
Journal Article
Bastidas-Sanchez, Beatriz Eugenia, Maria Socorro Chavez, Claudia Milena Orozco-Chamorro, and Angela Maria Merchan-Galvis.
Conocimientos y prácticas de métodos anticonceptivos en una población universitaria en el año 2010. un estudio descriptivo.
Revista Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad del Cauca 16, no. 2 (2014): 10-16.
Thesis or Dissertation
Álzate Jiménez, Deisy Alejandra, Talía Barraza Marín, Nancy del Socorro Caro Montoya , Yeniseth Casas Casas Perea, Juliet Paola Cubillos Correa, and Maria Pabon Toro.
Seminario investigativo de grado acercamiento al impacto de la pobreza en las familias con énfasis en la crianza y embarazo adolescente en Colombia, Antioquia y Medellín / Deisy Alejandra Álejandra Jiménez.. [y otros] Pie de imprenta Medellin:[E
Especialización en Familia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2014.
Journal Article
Moyado-Floresa, Socorro.
Gobernabilidad y Buena Gobernanza: Expectativas Democráticas en Oaxaca
Salud y Administración 2, no. 5 (2015): 21-42.
Conference Paper
Flores M, Socorro.
El derecho a la alimentación, pobreza y hambre en México
20° Encuentro Nacional sobre Desarrollo Regional en México.
Noviembre 17-20, 2015.
Journal Article
Mutasa-Apollo, Tsitsi, Ray W. W Shiraishi, Kudakwashe C Takarinda, Janet Dzangare, Owen Mugurungi, Joseph Murungu, Abu Abdul-Quader,, and Celia J Woodfill.
Patient Retention, Clinical Outcomes and Attrition-Associated Factors of HIV-Infected Patients Enrolled in Zimbabwe's National Antiretroviral Therapy Programme, 2007–2010
Working Paper
Reyes M, Celia.
The poverty fight: have we made an impact?
Mori, Soya, Celia M Reyes, and Tatsufumi Yamagata.
Poverty Reduction of the Disabled: Livelihood of Persons with Disabilities in the Philippines
: Routledge, 2014.
Reyes M, Celia.
Towards Asia's sustainable development: the role of social protection: The Role of Social Safety Nets: Trends and Prospects in the Philippines
Journal Article
Reyes M, Celia.
Monitoring Systems for MIMAP
Journal of Philippine Development 21, no. 38 (1994).
Reyes, Celia M, Rosario G Manasan, AC Orbeta, and Generoso Guzman.
Social impact of the regional financial crisis in the Philippines
: PIDS, 1999.
Working Paper
Cervantes, Celia.
Rutas de acceso a la jefatura femenina de hogar
Journal Article
Whyte, Robert, Celia Ortega, and Carlos Griffin.
Investment Regulation and Promotion: Can They Coexist in One Body?
Global Investment In Practice 2, no. 16 (2011).
Working Paper
Mori, Soya, Celia Reyes, and Tatsufumi Yamagata.
Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in the Philippines
Working Paper
Albert, Jose Ramon, Soya Mori, Celia Reyes, Aubrey Tabuga, and Tatsufumi Yamagata.
Income disparity among persons with disabilities assessed by education and sex: findings from a field survey conducted in Metro Manila, the Philippines
Journal Article
Reyes, Celia M, Christian Mina, Ronina D Asis, Maria Datu, and Aubrey D Tabuga.
Are we winning the fight against poverty? An assessment of the poverty situation in the Philippines
(2010) Discussion Papers.
Journal Article
Victora, Cesar G, Estela Aquino, Maria Leal, Carlos A Monteiro, Fernando C Barros, and Celia L Szwarcwald.
Maternal and child health in Brazil: progress and challenges
The Lancet 377, no. 9780 (2011): 1863-1876.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ambrosio V, Célia.
Attitudes towards the death penalty: A cross-cultural investigation
MA dissertation, University of the Free State, 2005.
Journal Article
Landry, Evelyn, Celia Pett, Renee Fiorentino, Joseph Ruminjo, and Cristina Mattison.
Assessing the Quality of Record Keeping for Cesarean Deliveries: Results from a Multicenter Retrospective Record Review in Five Low-Income Countries
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 139 (2014).
Reyes, Celia M, Alellie B Sobrevinas, Joel Bancolita, and Jeremy Jesus.
Analysis of the Impact of Changes in the Prices of Rice and Fuel on Poverty in the Philippines
: Philippine institute for development studies (PIDS), 2009.
Working Paper
Reyes M, Celia.
Poverty profile of the Philippines
(2000) Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
Working Paper
Yap, Josef T, Celia M Reyes, and Janet S Cuenca.
Impact of the global financial and economic crisis on the Philippines
(2009) Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
Working Paper
Reyes, Celia, Aubrey Tabuga, Christian Mina, Ronina Asis, and M Datu.
Dynamics of poverty in the Philippines: Distinguishing the chronic from the transient poor
Working Paper
Reyes M, Celia.
Alternative means testing options using CBMS
Working Paper
Reyes, Celia M, Aubrey D Tabuga, Christian D Mina, Ronina D Asis, and Maria Blesila G Datu.
Chronic and transient poverty
Journal Article
Albert, Jose Ramon, Soya Mori, Celia Reyes, Aubrey Tabuga, Tatsufumi Yamagata, and Josef Yap.
How Do Persons with Disabilities Earn a Living?: Findings from the Field Survey Conducted in Metro Manila, the Philippines
Working Paper
Reyes, Celia, Ronina D Asis, and Maria Blesila D Mondez.
Child Poverty in the Philippines
Working Paper
Reyes, Celia M, and Christian D Mina.
Profitable use of SCF in a policy context: the case of rice stockholding in the Philippines
Journal Article
Figueredo M, Célia Alvim.
A Discriminação do Homem no Mercado de Trabalho Após os 45 Anos no Brasil
Cognitio / Pós-Graduação Unilins , no. 1 (2011).
Showing 61-90 of 280