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Faraji, Obeidollah, Koorosh Etemad, Ali Akbari Sari, and Hamid Ravaghi. "Policies and programs for prevention and control of diabetes in Iran: a document analysis." Global journal of health science 7, no. 6 (2015): 187-197.
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Barati, Alireza, Morteza Karimi Kordabadi, Bahram Faraji, and Mohsen Abedi Dorgheh. "Examining the economic expansion of creating free-trade zones across coastal areas for the sustainable development of Mokran Coasts: A case study: Jaask zone." Cumhuriyet Science Journal 36, no. 6 (2015): 280-296.
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Asadollahi, Abdolrahim, Laleh Fani Saberi, Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi, and Nasrin Faraji. "Do Public Health and Social Participation Matter for the Elderly? An Analysis of an Aging Community in Khuzistan Province, Iran." Canadian Social Science 7, no. 6 (2011): 240-244.
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Sabokbar, Hassan Ali Faraji, Mohammad Salmani, MohammadJavad Ghassabi, Farid Khalvati, and Qadir Ashournejad. "Spatial Planning of Rural tourism with MAPPAC technique. Case study Khur and Biabanak County,(Iran)." Almatourism-Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development 5, no. 10 (2014): 148-161.
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