
Showing 1-30 of 129
Working Paper
Silva, Otávio F, Felipe Diniz L Leroy, Gustavo C Patrício, and Jose M Santos. "Os Determinantes da Demanda por Educação em Minas Gerais: Primeiras Evidências a Partir dos Dados da PNAD."
Journal Article
Fuentes Lerech, Mara Mercedes, Jose Jaime Castano Castrillon, Andres Felipe Gonzalez Arias, Carlos Felipe Hurtado Arias, Paola Andrea Ocampo Campoalegre, Martha Luz Paez Cala, Diana Marcela Pava Garzin, and Lina Maria Zuluaga Garca. "Tendencias de ideación suicida y factores de riesgo relacionados, en estudiantes de 6º a 11º grado en colegios de Manizales (Colombia). 2007- 2008.." (2008) Universidad De Manizales Facultad De Medicina Centro De Investigaciones.
Journal Article
Orozco-Valerio, María de Jesús, María G Laura-Báez, Ana C Méndez-Magaña, and Alfredo Celis Rosa. "La invisibilidad de las condiciones laborales y de salud de niños del mercado Felipe Angeles." Revista de Salud Publica 14, no. 1 (2012): 81-87.
Thesis or Dissertation
Camargo Gomez, Juan Felipe, and Luis Felipe Lopez Rodriguez. "Plan de Negocios bookalia." especialización en gerencia estratégica, Universidad de La Sabana, 2015.
Journal Article
Alves E, José Diniz. "O Bônus Demográfico eo Crescimento Econômico no Brasil." (2004) Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ.
Journal Article
Alves, José Diniz E, and Suzana M Cavenaghi. "Indicadores de Desigualdade de Gênero no Brasil." Mediações, Londrina 18, no. 1 (2013): 83-105.
Journal Article
Alves, José Diniz E, and Suzana M Cavenaghi. "A Demanda Habitacional Demográfica Brasileira de 2001 a 2011 (The Brazilian Demographic Housing Demand from 2001 to 2011)." Informe Gepec 18, no. 1 (2014): 138-155.
Working Paper
Medeiros, Marcelo, and Debora Diniz. "A Nova Maneira de se Entender a Deficiência e o Envelhecimento." IPEA , no. 1040 (2004).
Journal Article
Lima Albuquerque, Mellina N, Alcides S Silva Diniz, and Ilma Grande K Arruda. "Retinolemia, Consumo de Vitamina A e Pressão Arterial em Idosos." Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion 59, no. 4 (2009): 396-401.
Journal Article
Tavares, Carlos Mendes, Neia Schor, Ivan Francca Junior, and Simone Grilo Diniz. "Factors associated with sexual initiation and condom use among adolescents on Santiago Island, Cape Verde, West Africa." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 25, no. 9 (2009): 1969-1980.
Journal Article
Becquet, Renaud, Didier K Ekouevi, Ida Viho, Charlotte Sakarovitch, Hassan Toure, Katia Castetbon, Nacoumba Coulibaly, Marguerite Timite-Konan, Laurence Bequet, Francois Dabis, and Valériane Leroy. "Acceptability of exclusive breast-feeding with early cessation to prevent HIV transmission through breast milk, ANRS 1201/1202 Ditrame Plus, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 40, no. 5 (2005): 600.
Parker, Megan, Jef Leroy, Deanna Olney, Jody Harris, and Marie Ruel. Strengthening and evaluating the preventing malnutrition in children under 2 approach (PM2A) in Burundi: Baseline report. Washington, USA: FANTA III, 2012.
Journal Article
Harambat, Jerome, Paricia Fassinou, Renaud Becquet, Pety Toure, François Rouet, François Dabis, Phillipe Msellati, François Blanche, Marguerite Timite-Konan, Roger Salamon, and Valériane Leroy. "18-month occurrence of severe events among early diagnosed HIV-infected children before antiretroviral therapy in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: A cohort study." BMC public health 8, no. 1 (2008): 169.
Journal Article
Desgrées-du-Loû, Annabel, Hermann Brou, Annick Tijou-Traore, Gérard Djohan, Renaud Becquet, and Valériane Leroy. "From prenatal HIV testing of the mother to prevention of sexual HIV transmission within the couple." Social Science & Medicine 69, no. 6 (2009): 892-899.
Conference Paper
Leroy, Laetitia, Antoine Bouet, and Elisa Dienesch. "Trade Liberalization, Urban-Rural Remittances and Income Inequalities in Senegal: Lessons from a CGE Analysis.." 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Geneva, Switzerland, June, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ketraungroch, Panda. "The effect of mass rapid rail transit on residential location pattern in Bangkok." Master of Economics , Thammasat University Bangkok, 2008.
Working Paper
Blasco, Lorea, Stephen Devadoss, and Leroy Stodick. "A general equilibrium analysis of the effects of Doha Round Declaration and African Cotton Initiative on Zambian cotton sector." The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 18, no. 1 (2009): 115-137.
Journal Article
Silva, Pedro Brito H, Kallyandra A Almeida Lima, and Patrícia L Almeida Leroy. "Perfil Epidemiológico dos Pacientes Assistidos na Clínica de Fisioterapia Traumato-ortopédica da Prefeitura de Hidrolândia – Goiás." Revista Movimenta 6, no. 3 (2013).
Journal Article
Leroy, Valeriane, Philippe Van de Perre, Philippe Lepage, Joseph Saba, Franccois Nsengumuremyi, Arlette Simonon, Etienne Karita, Philippe Msellati, Roger Salamon, and Franccois Dabis. "Seroincidence of HIV-1 infection in African women of reproductive age: a prospective cohort study in Kigali, Rwanda, 1988-1992.." Aids 8, no. 7 (1994): 983-986.
Journal Article
Leroy, Valeriane, Andre De Clercq, Joel Ladner, Jos Bogaerts, Philippe Van de Perre, and Francois Dabis. "Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? A prospective cohort study from Kigali, Rwanda, 1992-1993. The Pregnancy and HIV (EGE) Group.." Genitourinary medicine 71, no. 4 (1995): 207-211.
Journal Article
Mbete, Roger A, Henri Banga-Mboko, Christophe Ngokaka, Quevin F Bouckacka, Innocent Nganga, Jean-Luc Hornick, Pascal Leroy, and Cédric Vermeulen. "Profil des Vendeurs de Viande de Chasse et Evaluation de la Biomasse Commercialisée dans les Marchés Municipaux de Brazzaville, Congo." Tropical Conservation Science 4, no. 2 (2011): 203-217.
Journal Article
Lou, Annabel Desgrees, Hermann Brou, Annick Tijou-Traore, Gerard Djohan, Renaud Becquet, and Valeriane Leroy. "From prenatal HIV testing of the mother to prevention of sexual HIV transmission within the couple." (2009) Centre Population et Développement.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bashir, Masarra. "The Impact of Land-use change on the Livelihoods of Rural Communities: A case-study in Edd Al-Fursan Locality, South Darfur, Sudan." Doctor of Natural Science, Technical University of Dresden, 2012.
Book Section
Leroy, Maya, Gwladys Mathieu, Vanessa Meline, and Charles-Henri Moulin. "Le retour des paysans a l’heure du developpement durable." (2006) La gestion communautaire comme principe de gestion environnementale en Namibie (Nord-Central): evaluer les dispositifs pour eviter les mots d’ordre .
Jaramillo, Carlos Felipe. Challenges of CAFTA: maximizing the benefits for Central America. : World Bank Publications, 2006.
Journal Article
Padilla, Justo, Mónica Uceda, Otto Ziegler, Felipe Lindo, Eder Herrera-Pérez, and Luis Huicho. "Association between allergic rhinitis and asthma control in Peruvian school children: A cross-sectional study." (2013) Hindawi Publishing Corporation. BioMed research international.
Journal Article
Quimbo, Adele A Casorla, Marina Miguel-Baquilod, Felipe M Medalla, Xin Xu, and Frank J Chaloupka. "The economics of tobacco and tobacco taxation in the Philippines." (2012) Paris, France: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.
Thesis or Dissertation
Silva O, Felipe. "Do Crisântemo ao Ipê: A Presença Japonesa e Suas Formas de Mediação em Uberlândia." Titulo de Mestre, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2012.
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