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Gabriel, Tchatat. Rapport Final Cameroun. : PNUD, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Macky Sam, Georges Gabriel. "Les facteurs de l’infecondite au Cameroun." Master en Demographie, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Demographiques, 2009.
Journal Article
Kishoyian, Gabriel M, Yunis B Osinyo, Jane N Kishoyian, and George O Otieno. "Factors Contributing To Malnutrition Among Children Under Five Years Of Age In Machakos Country Level Five Hospital." World Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research 3, no. 2 (2017): 1-12.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fernando V, Alegría Gabriel. "Fracturas de miembro inferior relacionadas con accidentes de tránsito en motocicleta, en pacientes entre 18 a 65 años admitidos en el servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, en el periodo de enero de 2013 a abril de 2016." Título de especialista en Ortopedia y Traumatología, Universidad Central Del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Elong, Joseph Gabriel. "Les plantations villageoises de palmier à huile de la Socapalm dans le bas-Moungo (Cameroun) : un projet mal integré aux préoccupations des paysans." Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer. Revue de geographie de Bordeaux 56, no. 224 (2003): 401-418.
Journal Article
Elong, Joseph Gabriel. "Éton et Manguissa, de la Lékié au Mbam-et-Kim : jeux et enjeux fonciers (Centre-Cameroun)." (2004) Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer. Revue de geographie de Bordeaux.
Book Section
Mougnol, Gabriel Maxime Dong. "Regards multidisciplinaires sur les conflits fonciers et leurs impacts socio-économico-politiques au Cameroun." (2010) De la conquête foncière aux crises interethniques au Cameroun: le cas des Bamiléké et leurs voisins .
Book Section
Elong, Joseph Gabriel, and Felix-Marcel Obam. "Regards multidisciplinaires sur les conflits fonciers et leurs impacts socio- économico-politiques au Cameroun." (2010) Tensions foncières entre acteurs exogènes et communautés locales dans le massif forestier à l’est de Kribi (Sud Cameroun) .
Thesis or Dissertation
Plazas Guerrero A, Gabriel. "La desigualdad sanitaria en Colombia: La afectación de la desigualdad social en el estado de salud." Título de Magister, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Bogot{\'a}, 2017.
Journal Article
Billong, Serge-Clotaire, Joseph Fokam, Edson-Joan Billong, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Marie-Josee Essi, Raoul Fodjo, Samuel-Martin Sosso, Armelle Gomba, Joseph Mosoko-Jembia, and Gabriel Loni-Ekali. "Epidemiological distribution of HIV infection among pregnant women in the ten regions of Cameroon and strategic implications for prevention programs." (2015) The Pan African Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Tchuikoua, Louis Bernard, and Joseph Gabriel Elong. "Contribution des organisations paysannes dans la production des cultures vivrières dans l’arrondissement de Ntui (région du centre du Cameroun)." Revue Canadienne de Géographie Tropicale 3, no. 2 (2016): 53-65.
Journal Article
Billong, Serge C, Jacob Dee, Joseph Fokam, Georges Nguefack-Tsague, Gabriel L Ekali, Raoul Fodjo, Edith S Temgoua, Edson-Joan Billong, Samuel M Sosso, and Jembia J Mosoko. "Feasibility Study of HIV Sentinel Surveillance using PMTCT data in Cameroon: from Scientific Success to Programmatic Failure." BMC Infectious Diseases 17, no. 1 (2017): 3.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ibarra Zumba, Stefanny A, Jessica A Monar Molina, and Jauan G Macias Vera. "Estudios de factibilidad para una empresa de asesoría y capacitación enfocada a la información e implementación del marco juriíco laboral Ecutoriano a MIPYMES y Empleados de la Ciudad de Guayaquil." Título De Ingeniero, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2015.
Journal Article
Rushahu, Bernadetha Gabriel. "Assessment of HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Delivery in Primary Schools in Tanzania." World Journal of Education 5, no. 1 (2015): 131.
Journal Article
Condeza, Ana Rayen, Gabriel Bastias, Gonzalo Valdivia, Consuelo Cheix, Ximena Barrios, Rodrigo Rojas, Myrna Galvez, and Francisco Fernandez. "Adultos mayores en Chile: descripcion de sus necesidades en comunicacion en salud preventiva." Cuadernos. info , no. 38 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Magesa, Emmanuel. "Assessment of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of female secondary school learners on emergency contraception in Ongwediva, Oshana Region.." Master of Public Health, University of Namibia, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gebhardt, Gabriel Stephanus. "A critical evaluation of health care reform in maternity services in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, 2007-2012." Doctor of Philosophy, Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Journal Article
Meremo, Alfred, Beati Mboya, David Paul Ngilangwa, Robert Dulle, Edith Tarimo, David Urassa, Emillian Michael, Nyasiro Gibore, Bonaventura Mpondo, and Gabriel Mchonde. "Barriers to accessibility and utilization of HIV testing and counseling services in Tanzania: experience from Angaza Zaidi programme." Pan African Medical Journal 23, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Demombynes, Gabriel, and Johannes G Hoogeveen. "Growth, Inequality and Simulated Poverty Paths for Tanzania, 1992-2002." Journal of African Economies 16, no. 4 (2007): 596-628.
Journal Article
Adelekan, Ademola L, M Gabriel, G Alhassan, A Gloria, L Ogundipe, S Williams, and A Patrick. "Achievements and implications of HIV prevention programme among out of school youths: A systematic evaluation of HAF II project in Kogi State, Nigeria." International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 6, no. 1 (2017): 53-58.
Journal Article
Orimadegun, Adebola Emmanuel, and Gabriel Omen Obokon. "Prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits and potential influencing factors among children in urban communities in Nigeria." (2015) Frontiers in Pediatrics.
Journal Article
Zanolini, Arianna, Carolyn Bolton, Lane-Lee Lyabola, Gabriel Phiri, Alick Samona, Albert Kaonga, and Harsha Thirumurthy. "Feasibility and effectiveness of a peer referral incentive intervention to promote male circumcision uptake in Zambia." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999) 72, no. Suppl 4 (2016): S262-S268.
Journal Article
Faimau, Gabriel. "The dynamics and digitisation of religious testimonies: A case of prophetic ministries in Botswana." Anthropology Southern Africa 40, no. 2 (2017): 85-95.
Journal Article
Faimau, Gabriel. "Religious testimonial narratives and social construction of identity: Insights from prophetic ministries in Botswana." Cogent Social Sciences 3, no. 1 (2017): 1356620.
Journal Article
Undurraga Á, Gabriel. "El régimen jurídico del trabajo infantil en Chile." Revista de Derecho. Escuela de Postgrado , no. 5 (2014).
Journal Article
Kamuliwo, Mulakwa, Karen E Kirk, Emmanuel Chanda, Maha A Elbadry, Jailos Lubinda, Thomas A Weppelmann, Victor M Mukonka, Wenyi Zhang, Gabriel Mushinge, and Mercy Mwanza-Ingwe. "Spatial patterns and determinants of malaria infection during pregnancy in Zambia." Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 109, no. 8 (2015): 514-521.
Working Paper
Cordoba I, Fuentes Gabriel. "Land Property Rights and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Panama." Data Science and Service Research Discussion Paper , no. 67 (2017).
Castro, Arachu, and Merrill Singer. Unhealthy Health Policy: A Critical Anthropological Examination. : Altamira press, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castro S, Ashley. "The rite to womanhood: An interdisciplinary study of female circumcision among the Gikuyu of Kenya." Bachelor of Arts, Wesleyan University, 2010.
Book Section
Castro Martín, Teresa. "Población del istmo 2000: familia, migración, violencia y medio ambiente." (2001) 4. Matrimonios sin papeles en Centroamérica: Persistencia de un sistema dual de nupcialidad.
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