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Tesfaye, Solomon, Danika Barry, Abebe Gebremariam Gobezayehu, Aynalem Hailemichael Frew, Kim Ethier Stover, Hana Tessema, Lamesgin Alamineh, and Lynn M Sibley. "Improving Coverage of Postnatal Care in Rural Ethiopia Using A Community-based, Collaborative Quality Improvement Approach." Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 59, no. 1 (2014): 55-64.
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Sibley, Lynn M, Sydney A Spangler, Danika Barry, Solomon Tesfaye, Binyam Fekadu Desta, and Abebe Gebremariam Gobezayehu. "A regional comparison of distribution strategies and women's awareness, receipt, and use of misoprostol to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in rural Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia." Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 59, no. 1 (2014): 73-82.
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Olsen, Mette Frahm, Markos Tesfaye, Pernille Kaestel, Henrik Friis, and Lotte Holm. "Use, perceptions, and acceptability of a ready-to-use supplementary food among adult HIV patients initiating antiretroviral treatment: a qualitative study in Ethiopia." (2013) Patient preference and adherence.
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Demissie, Tesfaye A, Moges T Wubie, Feleke M Yehuala, Dagnachew M Fetene, and Getnet A Gudeta. "Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Shigella and Salmonella Species among patients with diarrhea attending Gondar town health institutions, Northwest Ethiopia." Science Journal of Public Health 2, no. 5 (2014): 469-475.
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Tessema, Masresha, Aregash Samuel, Tsehai Assef, Tesfaye Hailu, Desalegn Kuche, and Aweke Kebede. "Quality of Community Based Nutrition of Integrated Refresher Training Provided for Health Extension Workers in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia." Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 1, no. 2 (2013): 157-167.
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Sefene, Abay, Dereje Birhanu, Worku Awoke, and Tesfaye Taye. "Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding practice among mothers of children age less than 6 month in Bahir Dar city administration, Northwest Ethiopia; a community based cross-sectional survey." Science Journal of Clinical Medicine 2, no. 6 (2013): 153-159.
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Abeku, Tarekegn A, Michelle EH Helinski, Matthew J Kirby, Takele Kefyalew, Tessema Awano, Esey Batisso, Gezahegn Tesfaye, James Ssekitooleko, Sarala Nicholas, and Laura Erdmanis. "Monitoring changes in malaria epidemiology and effectiveness of interventions in Ethiopia and Uganda: Beyond Garki Project baseline survey." Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015).
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Kidanemariam, Abreha, Heluf Gebrekidan, Tekalign Mamo, and Kindie Tesfaye Fantaye. "Wheat crop response to liming materials and N and P fertilizers in acidic soils of Tsegede highlands, northern Ethiopia." Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2, no. 3 (2013): 126-135.
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Yemata, Getahun, Masresha Fetene, Awol Assefa, and Kassahun Tesfaye. "Evaluation of the Agronomic Performance of Stay Green and Farmer Preferred Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) Varieties at Kobo North Wello Zone, Ethiopia." Sky Journal of Agricultural Research 3, no. 11 (2014): 240-248.
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