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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Odeny, Beryne Mikal, James Pfeiffer, Carey Farquhar, Emmy Kageha Igonya, Ann Gatuguta, Florence Kagwaini, Ruth Nduati, James Kiarie, and Rose Bosire. "The stigma of exclusive breastfeeding among both HIV-positive and HIV-negative women in Nairobi, Kenya." Breastfeeding Medicine 11, no. 5 (2016): 252-258.
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Nzioki, Japheth Mativo, Rosebella Ogutu Onyango, James Ouma, and James H Ombaka. "Effect of Community Health Strategy on Focused Antenatal Care Coverage: A Pretest-Posttest Experimental Study in Rural Mwingi West Sub-County; Kenya." American Journal of Public Health Research 4, no. 6 (2016): 213-221.
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Bosire, Rose, Bourke Betz, Adam Aluisio, James P Hughes, Ruth Nduati, James Kiarie, Bhavna H Chohan, Michele Merkel, Barbara Lohman-Payne, and Grace John-Stewart. "High rates of exclusive breastfeeding in both arms of a peer counseling study promoting ebf among HIV-Infected Kenyan women." Breastfeeding Medicine 11, no. 2 (2016): 56-63.
Working Paper
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Conference Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
Rodriguez R, Edgard. "International migrants' remittances in the Philippines." Canadian Journal of Economics 29, no. s1 (1996): S427-S432.
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