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Showing 331-360 of 1316
Journal Article
Reghupathy, Nadine, Debra S Judge, Katherine A Sanders, Pedro Canisio Amaral, and Lincoln H Schmitt.
Child size and household characteristics in rural Timor-Leste
American Journal of Human Biology 24, no. 1 (2012): 35-41.
Journal Article
Caleo, Grazia M, Aly P Sy, Serge Balandine, Jonathan Polonsky, Pedro P Palma, Rebecca F Grais, and Francesco Checchi.
Sentinel Site Community Surveillance of Mortality and Nutritional Status in Southwestern Central African Republic, 2010
Population Health Metrics 10, no. 18 (2012).
Working Paper
Varela Bettencourt, Elisa Maria, Mario Tilman, Pedro Damia Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, and Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho.
The economic and sociocultural role of livestock in the wellbeing of rural communities of Timor-Leste
(2013) SOBER - Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural.
Working Paper
Varela Bettencourt, Elisa Maria, Mario Tilman, Pedro Damiao Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, and Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho.
The role of economic and sociocultural functions of animal production in wellbeing and development of rural communities of Timor-Leste
Journal Article
Bettencourt, Elisa Maria Varela, Mario Tilman, Vanda Narciso, Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho, and Pedro Damiao Sousa Henriques.
The Livestock Roles in the Wellbeing of Rural Communities of Timor-Leste
(2015) Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural.
San Pedro, Paula.
Investir dans L’agriculture au Burundi: Indispensable pour Combattre L’insécurité Alimentaire et Améliorer les Conditions de Vie des Femmes Paysannes
Journal Article
Pedro, Sandra.
Communication Strategies for Preventing Violence against Women: Case Study of Timor-Leste
(2013) Communication Studies.
Working Paper
Bento, Pedro, and Diego Restuccia.
Misallocation, establishment size, and productivity
Journal Article
Henriques, Pedro Damiao Sousa, Vanda Narciso, and Manuel Couret Branco.
Human rights based approach to ecosystem services in rural Timor-Leste
(2013) Alimentar Mentalidades, Vencer a Crise Global--Atas do ESADR.
Working Paper
Del Rosario, Pedro Juan, Julio Morrobel, and César Martínez.
Crisis y pobreza rural en América Latina: el caso de República Dominicana
Documento de Trabajo , no. 42 (2009).
Rosario, Pedro Juan, Julio Morrobel, and Amadeo Escarramán.
Territorios rurales y adaptación al cambio climático en República Dominicana
Working Paper
Martins, Pedro.
Structural Change in Ethiopia An Employment Perspective
World Bank Policy Research WP , no. 6749 (2014).
Journal Article
Vuylsteke, Bea, Gisele Semde, Lazare Sika, Tania Crucitti, Virginie Ettiegne Traore, Anne Buve, and Marie Laga.
HIV and STI prevalence among female sex workers in Cote d'Ivoire: Why targeted prevention programs should Be continued and strengthened
PloS one 7, no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Moro, Pedro L, Arelis Moore, Patricia Balcacer, Alex Montero, Delissa Diaz, Virgen Gomez, Zacarias Garib, and Bruce G Weniger.
Epidemiology of needlesticks and other sharps injuries and injection safety practices in the Dominican Republic
American journal of infection control 35, no. 8 (2007): 552-559.
Journal Article
Baracco, Rossana, Salim Mohanna, and Segundo Seclen.
A Comparison of the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components in High and Low Altitude Populations in Peru
Metabolic syndrome and related disorders 5, no. 1 (2007): 55-62.
Thesis or Dissertation
Delgado, António Pedro Brito.
Análise da viabilidade de implantação de uma usina de triagem e compostagem na Ilha de São. Vicente – Cabo Verde
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2009.
Journal Article
Vasconcelos, Sasha, Patrícia Rodrigues, Luís Palma, Luís F Mendes, Agostinho Palminha, Luís Catarino, and Pedro Beja.
Through the eye of a butterfly: Assessing biodiversity impacts of cashew expansion in West Africa
(2015) Biological Conservation.
Journal Article
Vicente, Benjamin, Robert Kohn, Pedro Rioseco, Sandra Saldivia, and Silverio Torres.
Psychiatric disorders among the Mapuche in Chile
International journal of social psychiatry 51, no. 2 (2005): 119-127.
Journal Article
Vicente, Benjamin, Robert Kohn, Pedro Rioseco, Sandra Saldivia, Itzhak Levav, and Silverio Torres.
Lifetime and 12-Month Prevalence of DSM-III-R Disorders in the Chile Psychiatric Prevalence Study
American Journal of Psychiatry 163, no. 8 (2006): 1362-1370.
Journal Article
Saldivia, Sandra, Benjamin Vicente, Robert Kohn, Pedro Rioseco, and Silverio Torres.
Use of Mental Health Services in Chile
Psychiatric services 55, no. 1 (2004): 71-76.
Journal Article
Zlotnick, Caron, Jennifer Johnson, Robert Kohn, Benjamin Vicente, Pedro Rioseco, and Sandra Saldivia.
Epidemiology of trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and co-morbid disorders in Chile
Psychological medicine 36, no. 11 (2006): 1523-1533.
Journal Article
Cerruti, Pedro.
Seguridad pública y neoconservadurismo en la Argentina neoliberal: La construcción social de la "inseguridad" durante los años noventa: "combate a la delincuencia", "tolerancia cero" y "mano dura"
Revista de Sociologia e Política 21, no. 48 (2013): 143-160.
Journal Article
Ejimadu, Chibuike S, and Chinyere N Pedro-Egbe.
Prevalence and Causes of Blindness in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
Nigerian Health Journal 9, no. 1-4 (2009): 26-29.
Journal Article
Arias Vázquez, Pedro Iván, Jesús Poblete Magaña, Alejandra Gerónimo Betancourt, Erick Ramsés Morales Ochoa, and Yarenny Ortega Corzo.
Panorama de los servicios médicos de rehabilitación en el estado de Tabasco
Revista mexicana de medicina física y rehabilitación 28, no. 1-2 (2016): 5-13.
Journal Article
Batista, Catia, Aitor Lacuesta, and Pedro C Vicente.
Testing the ‘brain gain’hypothesis: Micro evidence from Cape Verde
Journal of Development Economics 97, no. 1 (2012): 32-45.
Journal Article
Aguilar-Perez, Pedro, Martin Vargas-Magana, Lucila Patricia Cruz-Covarrubias, and Rosa Evelia Camacho-Palomera.
El sector editorial. Análisis del hábito de lectura y consumo de periódico de estudiantes del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Revista de Educación y Desarrollo , no. 39 (2016).
Journal Article
Mora I, Pedro.
Diseño De Un Modelo De Gestión Para La Permanencia De Las Empresas Familiares En El Mercado Global. Caso Ecuador
Revista Ciencia y Tecnología 2, no. 12 (2017): 31-42.
Working Paper
Costamagna, Rodrigo, Sandra Idrovo Carlier, and Pedro Mendi.
Competitive Pressure and Technology Licensing: Empirical Evidence from Latin America
Thesis or Dissertation
Quishpe, Elsa Chico V, and Ana Suárez M Rodríguez.
Análisis del microcrédito como alternativa de financiamiento para las micro y pequeñas empresas del cantón Cayambe, parroquia San Pedro de Cayambe
Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
De La Torre, María Cepeda F, Katherine Anchaluisa A Guerrero, Pedro G Cañarte, and Betty Bermello B Burgos.
Proyecto de Inversión para la Apertura de una Sucursal de una Empresa Comercializadora del Sistema de Iluminación a Base de Leds en la Ciudad de Guayaquil
Thesis, DSpace en ESPOL, 2012.
Showing 331-360 of 1316