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Thesis or Dissertation
Leithy, El, and Weaam Mossallam Mohamed. "Girls’ empowerment through sports: Sports and physical activity with life skills." MA, 2017.
Journal Article
Shrestha, Rachana Manandhar, Moe Miyaguchi, Akira Shibanuma, Arun Khanal, Junko Yasuoka, and Masamine Jimba. "A School Health Project Can Uplift the Health Status of School Children in Nepal." PloS one 11, no. 11 (2016).
Journal Article
Moe, Kyaw Thu, and Junchang Liu. "Economic Contribution of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to Rural Livelihoods in the Tharawady District of Myanmar." International Journal of Science 5, no. 1 (2016): 13-21.
Thesis or Dissertation
Masole, Trust Mbako. "Enhancing the quality of performance assessment in agriculture in Botswana schools." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pretoria, 2011.
Bennell, Paul, Bagele Chilisa, Karin Hyde, Archie Makgothi, Enni Molobe, and Limpet Mpotokwane. The impact of HIV/AIDS on primary and secondary education in Botswana: Developing a comprehensive strategic response. 2001.
Showing 31-35 of 35