
Showing 31-60 of 68
Journal Article
Thurlow, James, Finn Tarp, Simon McCoy, Nguyen Manh Hai, Clemens Breisinger, and Channing Arndt. "The impact of the global commodity and financial crises on poverty in Vietnam." Journal of Globalization and Development 2, no. 1 (2011).
Working Paper
Arndt, Channing, Azhar M Hussain, Vincenzo Salvucci, Finn Tarp, and Lars P Østerdal. "Advancing small area estimation." WIDER Working Papers, United Nations University (UNU) 2013, no. 053 (2013).
Working Paper
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard. "The significant decline in poverty in its many dimensions since 1993." (2013).
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Ingrid Woolard. What happened to multidimensional poverty in South Africa between 1993 and 2010?. 2013.
Journal Article
Daniels, Reza C, Arden Finn, and Sibongile Musundwa. "Wealth data quality in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2." Development Southern Africa 31, no. 1 (2013): 31-50.
Daniels, Reza Che, Arden Finn, and Sibongile Musundwa. Wealth in the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2. 2012.
Journal Article
Markussen, Thomas, Maria Fibæk, Finn Tarp, and Nguyen Do Anh Tuan. "Economic Development and Subjective Well-Being. Evidence from Rural Vietnam." (2013).
Working Paper
Howard, Emma, Carol Newman, and Finn Tarp. "Measuring industry agglomeration and identifying the driving forces." WIDER Working Paper , no. 2012/84 (2012).
Working Paper
McKay, Andy, Jukka Pirttilä, and Finn Tarp. "Ghana: Poverty reduction over thirty years." (2015).
Finn, Arden, Murray Leibbrandt, and Morne Oosthuizen. Poverty, inequality, and prices in post-apartheid South Africa. : World Institute for Development Economics Research, 2014.
Journal Article
Arndt, Channing, Azhar M Hussain, Vincenzo Salvucci, Finn Tarp, and Lars Peter Osterdal. "Poverty Mapping Based on First-Order Dominance with an Example from Mozambique." Journal of International Development 28, no. 1 (2016): 3-21.
Working Paper
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Theodore Talbot, and Finn Tarp. "Technology transfers, foreign investment and productivity spillovers: evidence from Vietnam." Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Mimeo (2014).
Journal Article
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Theodore Talbot, and Finn Tarp. "Technology transfers, foreign investment and productivity spillovers." European Economic Review (2015).
Working Paper
Finn, Arden. "A national minimum wage in the context of the South African labour market." SALDRU Working Paper , no. 153 (2015).
Working Paper
Lam, David, Arden Finn, and Murray Leibbrandt. "Schooling inequality, returns to schooling, and earnings inequality." (2015).
Journal Article
Rijal, Arun, Carsten Smith-Hall, and Finn Helles. "Non-timber forest product dependency in the Central Himalayan foot hills." Environment, development and sustainability 13, no. 1 (2011): 121-140.
Journal Article
McKay, Andy, Jukka Pirttila, and Finn Tarp. "Poverty Reduction over Thirty Years." Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
Geldenhuys, Philip Rudolf. "Exploring school dropout among males in the greater Cape Town area, South Africa." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town, 2016.
Cruces, Guillermo, Gary S Fields, David Jaume, and Mariana Viollaz. Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Latin America. New York, United States of America: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Journal Article
Finn, Arden, and Murray Leibbrandt. "The dynamics of poverty in South Africa (updated)." Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit; NIDS Discussion Paper 2016/1 , no. 174 (2017).
Journal Article
Howard, Emma, Carol Newman, and Finn Tarp. "Measuring industry coagglomeration and identifying the driving forces." Journal of Economic Geography 16, no. 5 (2015): 1055-1078.
Journal Article
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Finn Tarp, and Nguyen Thi Tue Anh. "Exporting and productivity: Learning from Vietnam." Journal of African Economies 26, no. 1 (2017): 67-92.
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Finn Tarp, and Neda Trifkovic. The transmission of socially responsible behaviour through international trade. 2016.
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Finn Tarp, and Neda Trifkovic. Corporate social responsibility in a competitive business environment. 2016.
Newman, Carol, John Rand, Finn Tarp, and Neda Trifkovic. Firm-Level Technology and Competitiveness in Vietnam: Evidence from 2010-14 Surveys. 2015.
Newman, Carol, John Rand, and Finn Tarp. Imports, supply chains, and firm productivity. 2016.
Showing 31-60 of 68