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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Vaidya, Abhinav, and Alexandra Krettek. "Physical activity level and its sociodemographic correlates in a peri-urban Nepalese population: a cross-sectional study from the Jhaukhel-Duwakot health demographic surveillance site." International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 11, no. 1 (2014).
Book Section
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Journal Article
Dhungana, Raj Kumar, and Alexandra Pfefferle. "Challenging Cocacolisation of Rural Nepali Market: The Role of Education." Journal of Education and Research (2016).
Journal Article
Nguyen, Ha, Rebecca Ivers, Stephen Jan, Alexandra Martiniuk, and Cuong Pham. "Catastrophic household costs due to injury in Vietnam." Injury 44, no. 5 (2013): 684-690.
Working Paper
Hoa, Dao Thi Mai, Do Anh Nguyet, Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Dang Thu Phuong, Vu Thu Nga, Roger Few, and Alexandra Winkels. "Heat stress and adaptive capacity of low-income outdoor workers and their families in the city of Da Nang, Vietnam." (2013).
Journal Article
Kruse, Alexandra Y, Binh TT Ho, Cam N Phuong, Lone G Stensballe, Gorm Greisen, and Freddy K Pedersen. "Prematurity, asphyxia and congenital malformations underrepresented among neonates in a tertiary pediatric hospital in Vietnam." BMC Pediatrics 12, no. 1 (2012): 199.
Journal Article
Kluge, Thomas, Stefan Liehr, Alexandra Lux, Petra Moser, Steffen Niemann, Nicole Umlauf, and Wilhelm Urban. "IWRM concept for the Cuvelai Basin in northern Namibia." Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33, no. 1 (2008): 48-55.
Journal Article
West, Philippa A, Natacha Protopopoff, Mark Rowland, Emma Cumming, Alison Rand, Chris Drakeley, Alexandra Wright, Zuhura Kivaju, Matthew J Kirby, and Franklin W Mosha. "Malaria risk factors in North West Tanzania: the effect of spraying, nets and wealth." PLoS One 8, no. 6 (2013).
Journal Article
Morison, Tracy, Alexandra Farren Gibson, Britta Wigginton, and Shona Crabb. "Online research methods in psychology: methodological opportunities for critical qualitative research." Qualitative Research in Psychology 12, no. 3 (2015): 223-232.
Journal Article
Cassivi, Alexandra, Owen Waygood, and Caetano Chang Dorea. "Quality of Life Impacts Related to the Time to Access Drinking Water in Malawi." Journal of Transport & Health (2017).
Journal Article
Vaughan, Cathy, Jerome Zayas, Alexandra Devine, Liz Gill-Atkinson, Manjula Marella, Joy Garcia, Krissy Bisda, Joy Salgado, Carolyn Sobritchea, Tanya Edmonds, Sally Baker, and Jesusa Marco. "W-DARE: a three-year program of participatory action research to improve the sexual and reproductive health of women with disabilities in the Philippines." BMC public health (2015).
Journal Article
Marella, Manjula, Alexandra Devine, Graeme F Armecin, Jerome Zayas, Jesusa Marco, and Cathy Vaughan. "Rapid assessment of disability in the Philippines: understanding prevalence, well-being, and access to the community for people with disabilities to inform the W-DARE project." Population health metrics 14, no. 26 (2016): 1-11.
Journal Article
Tiwari, Amy, Scott Russpatrick, Alexandra Hoehne, Selma M Matimelo, Sharon Mazimba, Ilenga Nkhata, Nicolas Osbert, Geoffrey Soloka, Anna Winters, and Benjamin Winters. "Assessing the impact of leveraging traditional leadership on access to sanitation in rural Zambia." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2017).
Journal Article
Zimba, Rabson, Vernon Ngulube, Chinyama Lukama, Abel Manangi, Amy Tiwari, Nicolas Osbert, Alexandra Hoehne, Sarah Muleya, Leonard Mukosha, and Philippa Crooks. "Chiengi District, Zambia Open Defecation Free after 1 Year of Community-Led Total Sanitation." The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95, no. 4 (2016): 925-927.
Journal Article
Nesbitt, Robin C, Sabine Gabrysch, Alexandra Laub, Seyi Soremekun, Alexander Manu, Betty R Kirkwood, Seeba Amenga-Etego, Kenneth Wiru, Bernhard Höfle, and Chris Grundy. "Methods to measure potential spatial access to delivery care in low-and middle-income countries: a case study in rural Ghana." International journal of health geographics 13, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Aryal, Umesh Raj, Abhinav Vaidya, Suraj Shakya-Vaidya, Max Petzold, and Alexandra Krettek. "Establishing a health demographic surveillance site in Bhaktapur district, Nepal: initial experiences and findings." BMC research notes 5, no. 1 (2012).
Journal Article
Protopopoff, Natacha, Alexandra Wright, Philippa A West, Robinson Tigererwa, Franklin W Mosha, William Kisinza, Immo Kleinschmidt, and Mark Rowland. "Combination of insecticide treated nets and indoor residual spraying in northern Tanzania provides additional reduction in vector population density and malaria transmission rates compared to insecticide treated nets alone: a randomised control trial." PLoS One 10, no. 11 (2015): e0142671.
Working Paper
Leahy-Madsen, Elizabeth, María Rosa Gárate, Maria Griselda Lloveras Castera, Miriam Rojo Silva, and Hannah Fortune-Greeley. "Policy Approaches to Enhancing Contraceptive Security in Decentralized Contexts." DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project (2013).
Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Rodriguez, David, Maria Jimena Vargas Mayo, Cesar Augusto Esparragoza Amon, Jaime Hincapie, Duvalier Nino, Deifilia Gutierrez, Maria Teresa Gomez, Antenor Ortiz, Lucy Espitia, and Luis Arismendy. "Informe final proyecto observatorios regionales de empleo convenio ministerio de trabajo y seguridad social universidad nacional de colombia centro de investigaciones para el desarrollo." (2002).
Journal Article
Mora, Vivian I, Sebastiaón I Moreta, María F Narvaez Benavides, Jorge L Sanchez Riofríó, and María F Alvarez Alcíóvar. "Insumos al Comité de la CEDAW Sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres en el Ecuador." Comité de la CEDAW (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo, María Ruiz F, and María Álvarez F Cambo. "Promoción de la exportación de madera tabebuia SPP. ecuatoriana a China, como una opción para internacionalizar negocios de los PYME, período 2013." Título de Ingeniería en Comercio Exterior, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil, 2012.
Working Paper
Quispal, Mario A, María A Cordón, María R González, Jeanne Rikkers, and Alejandro Aplícano. "Historias y relato de vida de Pandilleros y expandilleros de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras: Inicio de diálogo desde su realidad y percepciones." ICCPG; FESPAD; INDESPA (2012).
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Journal Article
Magnani, Robert J, Lynne Gaffikin , Estela Maria Leao de Aquino, Eric E Seiber, Maria de Conceicao Chagas Almeida, and Varja Lipovsek. "Impact of an integrated adolescent reproductive health program in Brazil." Studies in Family Planning 32, no. 3 (2001): 230-243.
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