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Showing 31-60 of 125
Working Paper
Berg, Ruth.
Initiating public/private partnerships to finance reproductive health: The role of market segmentation analysis
(2000) POLICY Project Working Paper.
Working Paper
Maia, Carlos, and Servaas Van der Berg.
When the remedy is worse than the disease: Adjusting survey income data for price differentials, with special reference to Mozambique
(2010) Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA).
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, M Maziya, Servaas van der Berg, and Ingrid Woolard.
Labour markets and the challenge of poverty and inequality in South Africa
Cape Town , South Africa: Development Policy Research Unit, 2000.
Journal Article
van der Berg, Servaas.
Redistribution through the budget: Public expenditure incidence in South Africa 1993-1997
Social Dynamics 27, no. 1 (2001): 140-164.
van der Berg, Servaas.
Fiscal incidence of social spending in South Africa, 2006
: National Treasury, 2009.
van der Berg, Servaas.
Fiscal incidence of social spending in South Africa, 2006: A report to National Treasury
Journal Article
Bogren, M U, K Bajracharya, M Berg, K Erlandsson, J Ireland, Padam Simkhada, and Edwin Van Teijlingen.
Nepal needs midwifery
Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences (JMMIHS) 1, no. 2 (2013): 41-44.
Conference Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas, and Megan Louw.
Unravelling the Mystery: Understanding South African Schooling Outcomes in Regional Context
The Conference of the Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University.
March 21, 2006.
Working Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas, Cobus Burger, Ronelle Burger, Mia Vos, Gideon Rand, Martin Gustafsson, Eldridge Moses, Debra Shepherd, Nicholas Spaull, and Stephen Taylor.
Low quality education as a poverty trap
Working Paper
Azzam, Osmat, Sotiraq Dhamo, and Tonin Kola.
Introducing national health accounts in Albania
BERG Working Paper Series on Government and Growth No. 55 , no. 55 (2005).
Working Paper
Kächelein, Holger, Endrit Lami, and Drini Imami.
Elections related cycles in publicly supplied goods in Albania
Bmberg Economic Research Group (BERG) Working Paper No. 71 on Government and Growth , no. 71 (2010).
Working Paper
Burger, Ronelle, Frikkie Booysen, Servaas van der Berg, and Michael von Maltitz.
Marketable Wealth in a Poor African Country. Using an index of consumer durables to investigate wealth accumulation by households in Ghana
UNU Wider Research Paper , no. 2006/138 (2006).
Journal Article
Havemann, Roy, and Servaas Van der Berg.
The demand for health care in South Africa
Berg, R C, E M L Denison, and A Fretheim.
Psychological, social and sexual consequences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C): a systematic review of quantitative studies
: Kunnskapssenteret (Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, 2010.
Working Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas.
Social policy to address poverty
DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/31 (1999).
Journal Article
van der Berg, Servaas.
Resource shifts in South African schools after the political transition.
Development Southern Africa 18, no. 4 (2001): 405-421.
Journal Article
South African social security under apartheid and beyond
Development Southern Africa 14, no. 4 (1997): 481-5.
Journal Article
van der Berg, S., L. Wood, and N. le Roux.
Differentiation in black education
Development Southern Africa 19, no. 2 (2002): 289-3.
Working Paper
Levine, Sebastian, Servaas Van der Berg, and Derek YU.
Measuring the impact of social cash transfers on poverty and inequality in Namibia
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 25/09 (2009).
Journal Article
van der Berg, Servaas, and Eldridge Moses.
How better targeting of social spending affects social delivery in South Africa
Development Southern Africa 29, no. 1 (2012): 127-139.
Journal Article
Bean, Frank D., Ruth R. Berg, and Jennifer V. W. Van Hook.
Socioeconomic and cultural incorporation and marital disruption among Mexican Americans
Social Forces 75, no. 2 (1996): 593-617.
Journal Article
Jewkes, Rachel, and Naeema Abrahams.
The epidemiology of rape and sexual coercion in South Africa: an overview
Social Science & Medicine 55, no. 7 (2002): 1231-1244.
Journal Article
Cuong, Nguyen Viet, Marrit Van den Berg, and Robert Lensink.
The impact of work migration and non-work migration on household welfare, poverty and inequality: new evidence from Vietnam
Journal Article
Nguyen, Cuong V, Marrit Van den Berg, and Robert Lensink.
The impact of work and non-work migration on household welfare, poverty and inequality: new evidence from Vietnam
(2011) Economics of Transition.
Bhorat, Haroon, Murray Leibbrandt, Muzi Maziya, Servaas van der Berg , and Ingrid Woolard.
Fighting poverty: labour markets and inequality in South Africa
Cape Town, South Africa: Juta Academic, 2001.
Journal Article
Louw, Megan, Servaas van der Berg, and Derek Yu.
Convergence of a kind: Educational attainment and intergenerational social mobility in South Africa
South African Journal of Economics 75, no. 3 (2007): 548-571.
Journal Article
Burger, Rulof, Ronelle Burger, and Servaas van der Berg.
Emergent black affluence and social mobility in post-Apartheid South Africa
DPRU Working Paper 4, no. 04/87 (2004): 87.
Working Paper
van der Berg, Servaas, and Haroon Bhorat.
The present as a legacy of the past: The labour market, inequality and poverty in South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 99/029 (1999).
Journal Article
Van der Berg, Servaas, Louise Wood, and Neil Le Roux.
Differentiation in black education
Development Southern Africa 19, no. 2 (2002): 289-306.
Working Paper
Meth, Charles.
Sticking to the facts: Official and unofficial stories about poverty and unemployment in South Africa
DPRU Working Paper , no. 07/123 (2007).
Showing 31-60 of 125