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Showing 1-30 of 1065
Book Section
Curry, George N, Elizabeth Dumu, and Gina Koczberski.
Communicating, Networking, Interacting
(2016) Bridging the Digital Divide: Everyday Use of Mobile Phones Among Market Sellers in Papua New Guinea.
Book Section
Zaidi, Asghar, Mattia Makovec, Michael Fuchs, Barbara Lipszyc, Orsolya Lelkes, Marius Rummel, Bernd Marin, and Klaas Vos.
Mainstreaming Ageing
(2007) Mainstreaming Ageing: Indicators to Monitor Sustainable Policies.
Zigova, Katarina, Regina Fuchs, Leiwen Jiang, Brian C O’Neill, and Shonali Pachauri.
Household survey data used in calibrating the population- environment-technology model
Interim Reports ed. Vol. IR-09-046. Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Registration number: ZVR 524808900 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2009.
Journal Article
Fuchs, Regina, Elsie Pamuk, and Wolfgang Lutz.
Education or wealth: which matters more for reducing child mortality in developing countries?
(2010) Vienna Yearbook of Population Research.
Gatica, Fernando, Ligia Herrera, and Ricardo Jordan Fuchs.
Consideraciones sobre el proceso de urbanizacion, la concentracion y la dispersion de la poblacion en America Latina: situaciones criticas; version preliminar
Working Paper
Bick, Alexander, Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln, and David Lagakos.
How Do Average Hours Worked Vary with Development? Cross-Country Evidence and Implications
Working Paper
Bick, Alexander, Nicola Fuchs-Schundeln, and David Lagakos.
Measuring and Explaining International Differences in Hours Worked
Working Paper
Auffhammer, Maximilian, and Catherine D Wolfram.
Powering up China: Uncovering the Drivers of Domestic Electricity Consumption
Working Paper
Fuchs, Thomas, and Ludger Woessmann.
What Accounts for International Differences in Student Performance? : A Re-Examination Using PISA Data
IZA Discussion paper series , no. 1287 (2004).
Working Paper
Woessmann, Ludger, and Thomas Fuchs.
Computers and student learning: Bivariate and multivariate evidence on the availability and use of computers at home and at school
CESifo WP , no. 1321 (2004).
Working Paper
Martinez Aguilar, Sandra N, Alan Fuchs, Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez, and Giselle E Del Carmen Hasbun.
The impact of fiscal policy on inequality and poverty in Chile
Policy Research WP , no. 7939 (2017).
Working Paper
Kogan, Liuba C, Rosa María A Fuchs, and Patricia F Lay.
Sistemas abiertos y/o encubiertos de discriminación en el entorno laboral de pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas en Lima Metropolitana
Centro de Investigación de la Universidad del Pacífico , no. DD/11/08 (2011).
Journal Article
Fuchs M, Rosa.
Las prácticas de conciliación vida personal-vida laboral y su relación con el avance de la mujer en la jerarquía organizacional - El caso de las empresas grandes limeñas
Journal of Business 3, no. 1 (2011): 86-95.
Journal Article
Spagat, Michael.
Truth and death in Iraq under sanctions
Significance 7, no. 3 (2010): 116-120.
Journal Article
Douglass, Michael, Michael DiGregorio, Wiwik Bunjamin, Valuncha Pichaya, and Kana Taniguchi.
Poverty: from basic needs to entitlements in Vietnam during urban transition
Thesis or Dissertation
Adjei D, Victoria.
An assessment of the potential of anaemia as a high-risk pregnancy factor in the bosomtwe Atwima Kwanwoma (BAK) District, Ghana
Masters, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2011.
Journal Article
Fosu, Michael Ofori, Frank Osei Frimpong, and Michael Ofori Arthur.
Factors Associated with Haemoglobin Prevalence among Ghanaian Children Aged 6-59 months.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 4, no. 2 (2014): 132-140.
Journal Article
Naluyima, Prossy, Michael A Eller, Oliver Laeyendecker, Thomas C Quinn, David Serwadda, Nelson K Sewankambo, Ronald H Gray, Nelson L Michael, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Merlin L Robb, and Johan K Sandberg.
Impaired Natural Killer Cell Responses are Associated with Loss of the Highly Activated NKG2A+ CD57+ CD56dim Subset in HIV-1 Subtype D Infection in Uganda
AIDS (London, England) 28, no. 9 (2014): 1273-1278.
Journal Article
Steer, Andrew C, Adam Jenney, Joseph Kado, Michael F Good, Michael Batzloff, Lepani Waqatakirewa, Kim E Mulholland, and Jonathan R Carapetis.
Prospective surveillance of invasive group A streptococcal disease, Fiji, 2005-2007
Emerging infectious diseases 15, no. 2 (2009): 216-222.
Journal Article
O'Leary, Brendan.
The Federalization of Iraq and the Break-up of Sudan
Government and Opposition 47, no. 4 (2012): 481-516.
Journal Article
Fullen, Michael A, Colin A Booth, Felix Nikoi Hammond, Kim Tannahill, Sesan O Awopetu, Ronke G Awopetu, Akinwale O Coker, and Michael S Awopetu.
Reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste in the Makurdi metropolitan area of Nigeria: public opinions and perceptions
International Journal of Education and Research 1, no. 11 (2013): 1-12.
Journal Article
Waibel, Michael, Ronald Eckert, Michael Bose, and M Volker.
Housing for Low Income Groups in Ho Chi Minh City, between Re-integration and Fragmentation
(2007) Asien.
Journal Article
Schnegg, Michael, and Michael Bollig.
Institutions put to the test: Community-based water management in Namibia during a drought
(2016) Journal of Arid Environments.
Conference Paper
Fritsch, Michael, Alina Sorgner, Michael Wyrwich, and Evguenii Zazdravnykh.
Regional Transitions from Socialism to Entrepreneurship: Russia and Germany compared
54th ERSA Congress.
St. Petersburg, Russia, August 26-29, 2014.
Journal Article
Etheredge, Gina D, Girma Michael, Michael P Muehlenbein, and Jacob K Frenkel.
The roles of cats and dogs in the transmission of Toxoplasma infection in Kuna and Embera children in eastern Panama
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 16, no. 3 (2004): 176-186.
Working Paper
Lokshin, Michael, and Kathleen Beegle.
Forgone earnings from smoking: evidence for a developing country
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 4018 (2006).
Odling-Smee, John, and Michael Hadjimichael.
Republic of Tajikistan joint ida-imf staff assessment of the poverty reduction strategy paper and poverty reduction strategy paper
: World Bank, 2002.
Landesmann, Michael, and Hermine Vidovic.
Employment developments in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and explanations
: Wiener Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW) , 2006.
Working Paper
Lavy, Victor, Michael Palumbo, and Steven Stern.
Quality of medical facilities, health, and labor force participation in Jamaica
Journal Article
Ibanez, Ana Maria, Kathy Lindert, and Michael Woolcock.
Social capital in Guatemala: a mixed methods analysis
(2002) Technical Background Paper.
Showing 1-30 of 1065