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Showing 31-60 of 187
Ramani, Sudha, Prarthna Dayal, Rajashree Panicker, Michelle Kermode, Beena Varghese, Raj Panda, Sanghita K Bhattacharyya, and Harish Nair.
India: Developing an investment case for financing equitable progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific Region. Phase 1: Mapping report
New Delhi and Melbourne, India and Australia: Public Health Foundation of India and Nossal Institute, 2009.
Ramani, Sudha, Prarthna Dayal, Rajashree Panicker, Michelle Kermode, Beena Varghese, Raj Panda, Sanghita Bhattacharyya, and Harish Nair.
India: Developing an investment case for financing equitable progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific region: Phase 1: Mapping report
Deugd, Michelle.
Microfinance and gender in Nicaragua
: Retrieved, 2004.
Adato, Michelle, Lawrence Haddad, D. Horner, N. Ravjee, and R. Haywood.
From works to public works: The performance of labour-intensive public works in Western Cape Province, South Africa
Cape Town , South Africa: Labour and Devlopment Research Unit, 1999.
Working Paper
Haddad, Lawrence, and Michelle Adato.
How efficiently do public works programs transfer benefits to the poor? Evidence from South Africa
FCND Discussion paper , no. 108 (2001).
Thesis or Dissertation
October, Michellé.
Medium of instruction and its effect on matriculation results for 2000, in Western Cape Secondary Schools: A study of examination results in relation to home language and language medium
Master of Philosophy specializing in Applied Language Studies, University of Cape Town, 2002.
Journal Article
Naudeau, Sophie, Naoko Kataoka, Alexandria Valerio, Michelle J Neuman, and Leslie Elder.
Investing in young children: an early childhood development guide for policy dialogue and project preparation
(2010) World.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Michelle Schneider, Ria Laubscher, and Beatrice Nojilana.
Cause of death profile South Africa 1996
Cape Town, South Africa: South African Medical Research Council, 2002.
Bradshaw, Debbie, Pam Groenewald, Ria Laubscher, Nadine Nannan, Beatrice Nojilana, Rosana Norman, Desiréé Pieterse, and Michelle Schneider.
Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa 2000
: Medical Research Council, 2003.
Norman, Rosana, Debbie Bradshaw, Michelle Schneider, Desiree Pieterse, and Pam Groenewald.
Revised burden of disease estimates for the comparative risk factor assessment South Africa 2000. Methodological note
Cape Town, South Africa: Medical research council, 2006.
Journal Article
Riboud, Michelle, Yevgeniya Savchenko, and Hong Tan.
The Knowledge Economy and Education and Training in South Asia: A Mapping Exercise of Available Survey Data
(2006) South Asia Human Resource Division. Washington, DC: World Bank.(Draft).
Working Paper
Gordon, David, Michelle Irving, Shailen Nandy, and Peter Townsend.
Multidimensional measures of child poverty
(2005) Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research Draft Conference Paper.
Journal Article
Frost, Michelle, Renata Forste, and David Haas.
Maternal education and child nutritional status in Bolivia: finding the links
Social Science & Medicine 60, no. 2 (2005): 395-407.
Book Section
Riboud, Michelle, and Hong Tan.
Accelerating Growth and Job Creation in South Asia
(2009) Improving Skills for Competitiveness.
Villalobos, Iris, Michelle Deugd , and Donaldo Ochoa.
Políticas públicas y servicios financieros rurales en Honduras
Working Paper
Wallon, Michelle, Smisha Agarwal, and Elaine Roman.
A Malaria in pregnancy country case study: Malawi’s Successes and Remaining Challenges for Malaria in Pregnancy Programming
Working Paper
Proyer, Michelle, Ask Andersen, and Hasheem Mannan.
International Disability Measurement and Assessment
Working Paper
Adato, Michelle, and Lucy Bassett.
What is the potential of cash transfers to strengthen families affected by HIV and AIDS? A review of the evidence on impacts and key policy debates
Adato, Michelle, Suneetha Kadiyala, Terence Roopnaraine, Patricia Biermayr-Jenzano, and Amy Norman.
Children in the shadow of AIDS: Studies of vulnerable children and orphans in three provinces in South Africa
Conference Paper
Johnson, Chris, Richard Hu, Shanti Abedin, and Michelle Cramer.
The Emergence of World City: Bangalore
9th World Congress of Metropolis.
Sydney, Australia, 2008.
Journal Article
Mendez, Michelle A, Carlos A Monteiro, and Barry M Popkin.
Overweight exceeds underweight among women in most developing countries
The American journal of clinical nutrition 81, no. 3 (2005): 714-721.
Journal Article
Adato, Michelle, Francie Lund, and Phakama Mhlongo.
Methodological Innovations in Research on the Dynamics of Poverty: A Longitudinal Study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
World Development 35, no. 2 (2007): 247-263.
Journal Article
Nandy, Shailen, Michelle Irving, David Gordon, Shailen Subramanian, and George Smith.
Poverty, child undernutrition and morbidity: new evidence from India
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 3 (2005): 210-216.
Journal Article
Commeyras, Michelle, and Bontshetse M Mazile.
Exploring the Culture of Reading Among Primary School Teachers in Botswana
The Reading Teacher 64, no. 6 (2011): 418-428.
Thesis or Dissertation
Urbano F, Michelle Lozada.
Riesgo de Familias Peruanas en Incurrir en Gasto Catastrófico en Salud
Master Thesis, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010.
Journal Article
Maskiell, Michelle.
Gender, kinship and rural work in colonial Punjab
Journal of Women's History 2, no. 1 (1990): 35-72.
Journal Article
Joubert, Jane, Rosana Norman, Estelle V Lambert, Pam Groenewald, Michelle Schneider, Fiona Bull, Debbie Bradshaw, and South African Comparitive Risk Assessment Collaboration.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to physical inactivity in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 725-731.
Journal Article
Ordóñez, Michelle.
La coyuntura actual del sector textil ecuatoriano. Una visión macroeconómica y desde sus actores. Los dos lados de la tela
GESTIÓN , no. 255 (2015).
Mlatsheni, Cecil, Ingrid Woolard, Michelle Chinhema, Timothy Brophy, Michael Brown, and Murray Leibbrandt.
National Income Dynamics Study Panel User Manual
Journal Article
Grocke, Michelle U, and Kimber H McKay.
Like Mother, Like Child?: Understanding Transitions In Diet, Health, And Nutrition In Humla, Nepal
Studies in Nepali History and Society 21, no. 2 (2016): 305-331.
Showing 31-60 of 187