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Thesis or Dissertation
SHifotoka, Hileni. "Investigating the relationship between the bank rate, unemployment and inflation: The Phillips curve in Namibia." Master of Scienece in Economics, University of Namibia, 2015.
Working Paper
Kierzenkowski, Rafal, Patrice Ollivaud, Franck Sédillot, and Philippe Briard. "Estimating a Supply Block for Poland." OECD Economics Department WP , no. 601 (2008).
Phillips, Sarah. Women with disbilities in th eEurope & Eurasia region. : Washington, DC: USAID, 2012.
Journal Article
Chiumbu, Sarah, S Goga, and V Reddy. "Conversation on policies: healthy livestock act as security against hunger." (2015) The Human Sciences Research Council.
Munsch, Holger, Daud Saba, Sadiqa Basiri, Merete Taksdal, Sarah Grey, and Richard Ellert. Afghanistan: findings on education, environment, gender, Health, livelihood and water and sanitation. 2005.
Journal Article
Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Robert Colebunders, Sarah Naikoba, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Marcia R Weaver, and Allan Ronald. "Disease diagnosis in primary care in Uganda." BMC Family Practice 15, no. 1 (2014): 165.
Journal Article
Mbonye, Martin Kayitale, Sarah M Burnett, Sarah Naikoba, Robert Colebunders, Kristien Wouters, Marcia R Weaver, and Jean Pierre Van Geertruyden. "Malaria care in infants aged under six months in Uganda: an area of unmet needs!." PloS one 10, no. 4 (2015): e0123283.
Journal Article
Tomlinson, Mark, Sarah Skeen, Marguerite Marlow, Lucie Cluver, Peter Cooper, Lynne Murray, Shoeshoe Mofokeng, Nathene Morley, Moroesi Makhetha, and Sarah Gordon. "Improving early childhood care and development, HIV-testing, treatment and support, and nutrition in Mokhotlong, Lesotho: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial." Trials 17, no. 1 (2016).
De Stone, Sachin, Franziska Meinck, Lorraine Sherr, Lucie Cluver, Jenny Doubt, Frederick Mark Orkin, Caroline Kuo, Amogh Sharma, Imca Hensels, and Sarah Skeen. Factors Associated with Good and Harsh Parenting of Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents in Southern Africa. 2016.
Journal Article
Scott, Jennifer, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Michele Hacker, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar. "An assessment of attitudes toward gender inequitable sexual and reproductive health norms in South Sudan: a community-based participatory research approach." (2013) Conflict and health.
Journal Article
Scott, Jennifer, Michele Hacker, Sarah Averbach, Anna M Modest, Sarah Cornish, Danielle Spencer, Maureen Murphy, and Parveen Parmar. "Influences of sex, age and education on attitudes towards gender inequitable norms and practices in South Sudan." Global public health 9, no. 7 (2014): 773-786.
Journal Article
Zhang, Helen L, Kunda W Mnzava, Sarah T Mitchell, Matayo L Melubo, Tito J Kibona, Sarah Cleaveland, Rudovick R Kazwala, John A Crump, Joanne P Sharp, and Jo EB Halliday. "Mixed methods survey of zoonotic disease awareness and practice among animal and human healthcare providers in Moshi, Tanzania." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, no. 3 (2016): e0004476.
Fetsi, Anastasia, Arjen Deij, Heinrik Huitfeldt, Meri Lorencic, Jean-Raymond Masson, Ekaterina Selezneva, William Bartlett, and Ray Phillips. Labour markets in the Western Balkans: challenges for the future. Torino, Italy: European Training Foundation, 2007.
Journal Article
Murray, Christopher J, Richard Feachem, Margaret A Phillips, and Carla Willis. "Adult morbidity: limited data and methodological uncertainty." (1992) The Health of adults in the developing world.
Smith, Adrienne R, and Jon R Phillips. Combating exploitative child labor through education in Guyana: a preliminary needs assessment. : Education Development Center (EDC), 2005.
Anderson, Barbara A, and Heston E Phillips. Adult mortality (age 15-64) based on death notification data in South Africa: 1997 - 2004. Pretoria, South Africa: Statistics South Africa, 2006.
Working Paper
Todd, Catherine S, Abdul Nasir, Pashtoon Hashimy, Nazifa Mousafavi, Farooq Mansoor, Suellen Miller, Jeffrey M Smith, Pashtoon Azfar, Suzette Kakar, and James F Phillips. "Counseling Considered: Results from a randomized controlled trial of concentrated postpartum counseling on birth spacing, breastfeeding, and infant vaccination completion in a Kabul urban population."
Working Paper
Belton, Ben, Manjurul Karim, Shakuntala Thilsted, William Collis, Michael Phillips, and Khondker Murshed-E-Jahan. "Review of Aquaculture and Fish Consumption in Bangladesh." (2011)
Working Paper
Castine, S A, S S Sellamuttu, P Cohen, D Chandrabalan, and M Phillips. "Increasing productivity and improving livelihoods in aquatic agricultural systems: A review of interventions." (2013)
Journal Article
Measham, Anthony R, Atiqur Rahman Khan, Michael J Rosenberg, Suraiya Jabeen, Jalaluddin Akbar, Hasina Banu, and James F Phillips. "The demographic impact of tubectomy in Bangladesh." International Family Planning Perspectives 8, no. 1 (1982): 18-21.
Working Paper
Phillips, Tarryn, and Meg Keen. "Sharing the City: Urban Growt h and Governance in Suva, Fiji." (2016)
Phillips, James F, Ayaga A Bawah, and Fred N Binka. Accelerating reproductive and child health program development: the Navrongo Initiative in Ghana. : The Population Council, 2005.
Journal Article
Binka, Fred N, Ayaga A Bawah, James F Phillips, Abraham Hodgson, Martin Adjuik, and Bruce MacLeod. "Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in Northern Ghana." Tropical Medicine & International Health 12, no. 5 (2007): 578-593.
Journal Article
Bawah, Ayaga, James F Phillips, Martin Adjuik, Maya Vaughan-Smith, Bruce Macleod, and Fred N Binka. "The impact of immunization on the association between poverty and child survival: Evidence from Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana." Scandinavian journal of public health 38, no. 1 (2010): 95-103.
Elledge, Myles F, Sumal Nandasena, Michael Phillips, and Vanessa E Thornburg. Environmental health risk and the use of biomass stoves in Sri Lanka. : RTI, 2010.
Journal Article
Debpuur, Cornelius, James F Phillips, Elizabeth F Jackson, Alex Nazzar, Pierre Ngom, and Fred N Binka. "The impact of the Navrongo Project on contraceptive knowledge and use, reproductive preferences, and fertility." Studies in Family Planning 33, no. 2 (2003): 141-164.
Phillips, James F, Wendy L Greene, and Elizabeth F Jackson. Lessons from Community-based Distribution of Family Planning in Africa. 1999.
Journal Article
Yatich, Nelly, Ellen Funkhouser, John Ehiri, Tsiri Agbenyega, Jonathan Stiles, Julian Rayner, Archer Turpin, William Ellis, Yi Jiang, Jonathan Williams, Evans Afriye-Gwayu, Timothy Phillips, and Pauline Jolly. "Malaria, intestinal helminths and other risk factors for stillbirth in Ghana." (2010) Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology.
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