
Showing 61-63 of 63
Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Aguilar, Gabriela Alejandra. "La politica laboral del gobierno de la revolucion ciudadana y su incidencia en los derechos de los trabajadores en la Republica del Ecuador.." avogada, Quito: Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Kruk, Margaret E, Patricia L Riley, Anton M Palma, Sweta Adhikari, Laurence Ahoua, Carlos Arnaldo, Dercio F Belo, Serena Brusamento, Luisa IG Cumba, and Eric J Dziuban. "How can the health system retain women in HIV treatment for a lifetime? A discrete choice experiment in Ethiopia and Mozambique." PloS one 11, no. 8 (2016).
Journal Article
Lyimo, E, M Schaedel, M Berntsen, and A Kisingo. "Effect of Disease Resistance on Secondary Herbivores: Aphid Abundance on Hybrid and Non-hybrid Coffee Varieties in the Chagga Homegardens." Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 7, no. 2 (2017): 2.
Showing 61-63 of 63