
Showing 31-34 of 34
Book Section
Utomo J, Ariane. "Gender Considerations in Online Consumption Behavior and Internet Use." (2016) Online Sisterhood: Women, Income Generation, And Online Social Capital In Urban Indonesia.
Thesis or Dissertation
Utomo J, Ariane. "Women as Secondary Earners: The Labour Market and Marriage Expectations of Educated Youth in Urban Indonesia." PhD thesis, The Australian National University, 2008.
Journal Article
Widyawati, Widyawati, Suze Jans, Sutarti Utomo, Jeroen Dillen, and ALM L Janssen. "A qualitative study on barriers in the prevention of anaemia during pregnancy in public health centres: perceptions of Indonesian nurse-midwives." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 47.
Journal Article
Zingiro, Ariane, Julius Juma Okello, and Paul Maina Guthiga. "Assessment of adoption and impact of rainwater harvesting technologies on rural farm household income: the case of rainwater harvesting ponds in Rwanda." Environment, Development and Sustainability 16, no. 6 (2014): 1281-1298.
Showing 31-34 of 34