
Showing 31-32 of 32
Journal Article
Laillou, Arnaud, Prak Sophonneary, Khov Kuong, Rathavuth Hong, Samoeurn Un, Chhoun Chamnan, Etienne Poirot, Jacques Berger, and Frank Wieringa. "Low urinary iodine concentration among mothers and children in Cambodia." Nutrients 8, no. 4 (2016): 172.
Journal Article
Prak, Sophonneary, Miriam Iuell Dahl, Joel Conkle, Sam Oeurn Un, and Arnaud Laillou. "Beyond the guidelines for the treatment of severely malnourished children with complications—assessment from Cambodia." BMC Nutrition 1, no. 1 (2015): 10.
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