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Haddad, Lisa B, Caryl Feldacker, Denise J Jamieson, Hannock Tweya, Carrie Cwiak, Amy G Bryant, Mina C Hosseinipour, Thomas Chaweza, Linly Mlundira, and Fanny Kachale. "Medical eligibility, contraceptive choice, and intrauterine device acceptance among HIV-infected women receiving antiretroviral therapy in Lilongwe, Malawi." International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 126, no. 3 (2014): 213-216.
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Phiri, Sam, Caryl Feldacker, Thomas Chaweza, Linly Mlundira, Hannock Tweya, Colin Speight, Bernadette Samala, Fannie Kachale, Denise Umpierrez, and Lisa Haddad. "Integrating reproductive health services into HIV care: strategies for successful implementation in a low-resource HIV clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi." Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 42, no. 1 (2016): 17-23.
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