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Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth, Anthea Jeffrey, Herma Forgey, Cheryl Chipps, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Mophuthing, and Andrea Helman. South Africa survey 1997/98. johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1998.
Journal Article
Attane, Elizabeth. "Fertility and identity: Muslims in Xinjiang." (1999) ISIM Newsletter.
Phillips, James F, Wendy L Greene, and Elizabeth F Jackson. Lessons from Community-based Distribution of Family Planning in Africa. 1999.
Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Duncan Thomas, and Katleen Beegle. The real costs of Indonesia's economic crisis: Preliminary findings from the Indonesia family life surveys. : RAND Santa Monica, 1999.
Dayaratna, Varuni, William Winfrey, William McGreevey, Karen Hardee, Janet Smith, Elizabeth Mumford, Jeffrey Sine, and Ruth Berg. Reproductive health interventions: Which ones work and what do they cost?. : The POLICY Project, 2000.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wildsmith, Elizabeth Maxfield. "Female headship: Testing theories of linear assimilation, segmented assimilation, and familism among Mexican origin women." University of Texas at Austin, 2000.
Journal Article
Eggleston, Elizabeth. "Unintended Pregnancy and Women’s Use of Prenatal Care in Ecuador." Social Science & Medicine 51, no. 7 (2000): 1011-1018.
Forgey, Herma, Anthea Jeffrey, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Cheryl Smith, Terence Corrigan, Thabo Moputhing, Andrea Helman, Jean Redpath, and Tamara Dimant. South Africa survey 1999/ 2000. Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 2000.
Journal Article
Eggleston, Elizabeth, Amy Ong Tsui, and Judy Fortney. "Assessing survey measures of infant birth weight and birth size in Ecuador." Journal of biosocial science 32, no. 03 (2000): 373-382.
Thomas, Duncan, Kathleen Beegle, and Elizabeth Frankenberg. Labor market transitions of men and women during an economic crisis: Evidence from Indonesia. 2000.
Journal Article
Aarts, Clara, Elizabeth Kylberg, Agneta Hörnel, Yngve Hofvander, Mehari Gebre-Medhin, and Ted Greiner. "How exclusive is exclusive breastfeeding? A comparison of data since birth with current status data." International Journal of Epidemiology 29, no. 6 (2000): 1041-1046.
Working Paper
Thomas, Duncan, and Elizabeth Frankenberg. "The measurement and interpretation of health in social surveys." (2000)
Huffman, Sandra, Elizabeth Zehner, Philip Harvey, Luan Martin, Ellen Piwoz, Kindal Ndure, Cheryl Combest, Robert Mwadime, and Victoria Quinn. Essential health sector actions to improve Maternal Nutrition in Africa. Washington, DC: Regional Centre for Quality of Healthcare, Makerere University and LINKAGES, 2001.
Alderman, Harold, Peter Orazem, and Elizabeth M Paterno. School quality, school cost, and the public/private school choices of low-income households in Pakistan. 2001.
Journal Article
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara. "Issues, risks and challenges of early breastfeeding cessation to reduce postnatal transmission of HIV in Africa." (2001) SARA Project.
Working Paper
Piwoz, Ellen, Sandra Huffman, Diane Lusk, Elizabeth Zehner, and Chloe O’Gara. "Early breastfeeding cessation as an option for reducing postnatal transmission of HIV-in Africa." (2001) Issues, risks and challenges. Washington: SARA Project, The Academy for Educational Development.
Working Paper
Ahuja, Vinod, and Elizabeth Redmond. "Economic and policy issues in livestock service delivery to the poor." (2001) Background paper for the FAO project memorandum “Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: Fostering the Policy Dialogue in Support of Equitable, Safe and Clean Livestock Farming.
Working Paper
Shrader, Elizabeth. "Methodologies to measure the gender dimensions of crime and violence." (2001) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2648 .
Journal Article
Harrison, Abigail, and Elizabeth Montgomery. "Life Histories, Reproductive Histories: Rural South African Women's Narratives of Fertility, Reproductive Health and Illness." Journal of Southern African Studies 27, no. 2 (2001): 311-328.
Journal Article
Duncan, Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, and James P Smith. "Lost but not forgotten: Attrition and follow-up in the Indonesia Family Life Survey." Journal of Human Resources 36, no. 3 (2001): 556-592.
Journal Article
Beegle, Kathleen, Elizabeth Frankenberg, and Duncan Thomas. "Bargaining power within couples and use of prenatal and delivery care in Indonesia." Studies in family planning 32, no. 2 (2001): 130-146.
Journal Article
Smith, James P, Duncan Thomas, Elizabeth Frankenberg, Kathleen Beegle, and Graciela Teruel. "Wages, employment and economic shocks: Evidence from Indonesia." Journal of Population Economics 15, no. 1 (2002): 161-193.
Journal Article
Talbot, Elizabeth A, Thomas A Kenyon, Themba L Moeti, Gary Hsin, Laura Dooley, Shenaaz El-Halabi, and Nancy J Binkin. "HIV risk factors among patients with tuberculosis—Botswana 1999." International Journal of STD & AIDS 13, no. 5 (2002): 311-317.
Journal Article
Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Lee Lillard, and Robert J Willis. "Patterns of intergenerational transfers in Southeast Asia." Journal of Marriage and Family 64, no. 3 (2002): 627-641.
Journal Article
Gomez-Restrepo, Carlos, Nelcy Rodriguez Malagon, Laura C Romero, Consuelo Pinilla, and Elizabeth Lopez. "Suicidio y Lesiones Autoinfigidas Colombia, 1973-1996." Revista colombiana de psiquiatria 31, no. 2 (2002): 123-136.
Thesis or Dissertation
Miller, Elizabeth Jill. "Burden of care: Ageing in urban China and Japan." Master of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, 2002.
Journal Article
King, Elizabeth, Stuti K Khaleghian, Magnus Lindelöw, Mead Over, Halsey Rogers, Jakob Svensson, Emiliana Vegas, Dominique Walle, Waly Wane, and Pramila Krishnan. "Making Services Work for Poor People: A Research Program on Public Services." (2002) World Bank/ Development Research Group.
Working Paper
Zaba, Basia, Ties Boerma, Elizabeth Pisani, and Nahum Baptiste. "Estimation of levels and trends in age at first sex from surveys using survival analysis." (2002) Carolina Population Center.
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