
Showing 151-154 of 154
Thesis or Dissertation
Alvarez, Jaime Rodrigo Romero. "Ventanas de oportunidad: el caso de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo en Chile." Magister en Gestion y Politicas Publicas, Universidad de Chile, 2016.
Working Paper
Poterico, Julio A, Carlos A Huayanay-Espinoza, Rodrigo Carrillo-Larco, and Jaime J Miranda. "Within country differences of the association between parity and overnutrition in Peruvian women." PeerJ PrePrints (2014).
Escobal, Javier, Claudio Lanata, Sofia Madrid, Mary Penny, Jaime Saavedra, Pablo Suarez, Hector Verastegui, Eliana Villar, and Sharon Huttly. Young lives preliminary country report: Peru. : Young Lives: An International Study on Childhood Poverty, 2003.
Showing 151-154 of 154