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Thesis or Dissertation
Yafac, Luz Durand V, Maribel Perez V Capcha, Sandra Tapia P Montalva, and Jessica V Ramirez. "Plan de marketing de la sanguchería "La Herencia"." Maestria, USIL, 2016.
Working Paper
Yi, Zeng, Gu Danan, and Kenneth C Land. "A new method for correcting the under-estimation of disabled life expectancy inherent in conventional methods: Application to the oldest old in China." Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2003).
Journal Article
Yucra, S., V. Tapia, K. Steenland, L. P Naeher, and G. F Gonzales. "Maternal exposure to biomass smoke and carbon monoxide in relation to adverse pregnancy outcome in two high altitude cities of Peru." Environmental research (2014).
Showing 241-243 of 243