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Thesis or Dissertation
Romero N, Evelyn Sola. "Propuesta de un modelo de gestión de balanced scorecard aplicado a la empresa concesionaria de autos Neoauto Hyundai en la ciudad de Quito." Título De Ingeniería Comercial, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Paul, Amy, Shannon Doocy, Hannah Tappis, and Sonya F Evelyn. "Preventing malnutrition in post-conflict, food insecure settings: a case study from South Sudan." PLoS Currents (2014).
Journal Article
Zama, Isah, Abdulrahaman Yakubu, Augustine N Okwesili, EY Ishaku, Osaro Erhabor, Abdullah S Mainasara, and Kufre E Uko. "Prevalence of malaria parasitaemia and methaemoglobin levels among blood donors in Sokoto, Nigeria." Internal Medicine Inside 1, no. 1 (2013): 4.
Journal Article
Bodika, Stephane M, Phenyo E Lekone, Peter Loeto, Mary G Alwano, Thekiso C Zulu, Evelyn Kim, Gape Machao, and Andrew C Voetsch. "Prevalence of HIV testing and counseling and associated factors among secondary school students in Botswana." International journal of adolescent medicine and health 28, no. 2 (2016): 149-154.
Journal Article
Amoakoh-Coleman, Mary, Evelyn K Ansah, Irene Akua Agyepong, Diederick E Grobbee, Gbenga A Kayode, and Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch. "Predictors of skilled attendance at delivery among antenatal clinic attendants in Ghana: a cross-sectional study of population data." BMJ Open 5, no. 5 (2015).
Thesis or Dissertation
Quintana Yánez P, Evelyn. "Plan Estratégico de Marketing para la Empresa Capaseg SA Dedicada a la Capacitación e Seguridad y Vigilancia Privada en la Ciudad de Quito." Thesis, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
López, Daysi Alcocer M, and Evelyn Barbosa S Valladares. "Plan de negocios para una empresa de servicios complementarios de limpieza, mantenimiento corporativo y asistencia al hogar en la ciudad de Quito." Master Thesis, Universidad De Las Américas, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gaete, Evelyn Guerrero G, and Jeniffer Velez I Navarro. "Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada al diseño, fabricación y comercialización de una línea de ropa deportiva para las mujeres de talla plus en la ciudad de Guayaquil período 2015-2016." Tesis - Ingeniería Comercial, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Castro Gomez, Jennifer L, Evelyn J Nina Olvera, and Solange P Solorzano Salazar. "Plan de Mercadeo Aplicando la Herramienta de Benchmarking Interno para Posicionar la Marca Cleanquils. A., en la Ciudad de Guayaquil." Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2014.
Working Paper
Dyson, Tim. "On the Demography of the 1991 Census." Economic and Political Weekly 29, no. 51/52 (1994): 3235-3239.
Journal Article
Nsiah-Asamoah, Christiana, and Evelyn Asamoah Ampofo. "Nutrition education during pregnancy: Are final year midwifery trainees ready to offer this service?." International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 9, no. 6 (2017): 70-76.
Journal Article
Tsiboe, Francis, Yacob A Zereyesus, and Evelyn Osei. "Non-farm work, food poverty, and nutrient availability in northern Ghana." Journal of Rural Studies (2016).
Amanyeiwe, Ugo, Laurel Hatt, Aneesa Arur, Amy Taye, Mona Mehta-Steffen, Maria C De Valdenebro, Kayode Ogungbemi, and Gilbert Kombe. Nigeria HIV/AIDS service provision assessment 2008. : USAID, 2008.
Journal Article
Alebachew, Abebe, Laurel Hatt, and Matthew Kukla. "Monitoring and evaluating progress towards universal health coverage in Ethiopia." PLoS Medicine 11, no. 9 (2014).
Conference Paper
López-Carr, David, Matthew Erdman, Alex Zvoleff, and Laurel Suter. "Mapping population onto priority conservation areas." European Population Conference (EPC). Vienna, Austria, September, 2010.
Journal Article
Sakeah, Evelyn, Henry Doctor, Andy Beke, and Abraham V Hodgson. "Males' preference for circumcised women in Northern Ghana." African Journal of Reproductive Health 10, no. 2 (2007): 37-47.
Journal Article
Greeson, Dana, Emma Sacks, Tsitsi B Masvawure, Katherine Austin-Evelyn, Margaret E Kruk, Mubiana Macwan’gi, and Karen A Grepin. "Local adaptations to a global health initiative: penalties for home births in Zambia." Health Policy and Planning 31, no. 9 (2016): 1262-1269.
Conference Paper
Pistorius, Marlize, and Evelyn Maelane. "Lessons learned from implementing an integrated methodological architecture." 59th ISI World Statistics Congress, 25-30 August 2013, Hong Kong (Session STS026) . 2013.
Azebaze, Nadege Miclanche, Thomas Falk, and Evelyn Korn. Land allocation in subsistence economies and intra-familial time-use decisions. 2014.
Working Paper
Camacho, Evelyn, and Gaudencio Zurita. "La Mujer Ecuatoriana. Análisis Estadístico y Distribución Espacial Según el Censo 2010." (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Chasi Bustillos, Patricia Aracelly, and Evelyn Michelle Navas Lopez. "La inversion extranjera directa y su incidencia en la formacion bruta de capital fijo (FBKF), en el sector comercial de la economia ecuatoriana. Modelo econometrico para pronosticar la FBKF 2016-2017.." título de ingeniero en finanzas, contador público–auditor, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Extension Latacunga. Carrera de Ingeniera en Finanzas y Auditoria., 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ruiz A, Evelyn Flores. "La gestión financiera y la toma de decisiones en la empresa “CAUCHOSIERRA S.A.”, de la cuidad de Ambato, año 2015." Título de Ingeniera Financiera, Universidad Técnica De Ambato, 2017.
Journal Article
Hodogbe, Evelyn Akorfa, and Samuel Kofi Badu-Nyarko. "Knowledge and Practice of Family Planning among Female Basic School Teachers in the City of Accra, Ghana." International Journal of Social Science Studies 3, no. 2 (2015): 50-60.
Naaso, Evelyn D, Gaston M Bozie, Janet Bawa, Elise van Rooyen, and Anne-Marie Bergh. Kangaroo mother care implementation project June 2008 – May 2009. : UPPER EAST REGIONAL HEALTH DIRECTORATE, 2009.
Journal Article
Sakeah, Evelyn, Lois McCloskey, Judith Bernstein, Kojo Yeboah-Antwi, Samuel Mills, and Henry V Doctor. "Is there any role for community involvement in the community-based health planning and services skilled delivery program in rural Ghana?." BMC health services research (2014).
Journal Article
Tawfik, Youssef, Mirwais Rahimzai, Malalah Ahmadzai, Phyllis Annie Clark, and Evelyn Kamgang. "Integrating family planning into postpartum care through modern quality improvement: experience from Afghanistan." Global Health: Science and Practice 2, no. 2 (2014): 226-233.
Journal Article
Sierra Pérez, Susana Evelyn, and Yara Amparo López López. "Infancia migrante y educacion trasnacional en la frontera de Mexico-Estados Unidos." Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia , no. 4 (2013).
Journal Article
Kayode, Gbenga A, Evelyn Ansah, Irene Akua Agyepong, Mary Amoakoh-Coleman, Diederick E Grobbee, and Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch. "Individual and community determinants of neonatal mortality in Ghana: a multilevel analysis." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 1 (2014): 165.
Dyson, Laurel Evelyn, Stephen Grant, and Max Hendriks. Indigenous People and Mobile Technologies. : Routledge, 2015.
Journal Article
Paczkowski, Magdalena, Dyson Mwandama, Daniel Marthey, Madalitso Luka, Georgina Makuta, John Sande, Doreen Ali, Peter Troell, Don P Mathanga, and Julie Gutman. "In vivo efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Malawi, 2014." Malaria Journal 15, no. 1 (2016): 236.
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