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Showing 31-60 of 845
Journal Article
Campbell, Robert A, and James E Curtis.
Religious involvement across societies: Analyses for alternative measures in national surveys
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 33, no. 3 (1994): 217-229.
Journal Article
Strom, Robert D, Shirley K Strom, and Qing Xie.
The small family in China
International Journal of Early Childhood 27, no. 2 (1995): 37-46.
Journal Article
Wortham, Robert.
Prospects for fertility reduction and projections for future population growth in Kenya
Population Research and Policy Review 14, no. 1 (1995): 111-135.
Journal Article
Townsend, Robert.
Consumption insurance: an evaluation of risk-bearing systems in low-income economies
Journal of Economic Perspectives 9, no. 3 (1995): 83-10.
Working Paper
McQuestion, Michael, and Robert Jones.
A dynamic, multi-level analysis of recent immunization trends in Colombia
(1995) Center for Demography and Ecology.
Journal Article
Asefa, Makonnen, Robert Drewett, and Jenny Hewison.
An Ethiopian Birth Cohort Study: The Study Design
(1996) Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.
Journal Article
Ramesh, B.M., S.C. Gulati, and Robert Retherford.
Contraceptive use in India, 1992-93
(1996) National Family Health Survey Subject Reports .
Journal Article
Retherford, Robert D, and B.M. Ramesh.
Fertility and contraceptive use in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh
(1996) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Journal Article
Magnani, Robert J, Janet C Rice, Nancy B Mock, Ahmed A Abdoh, David M Mercer, and Kadri Tankari.
The impact of primary health care services on under-five mortality in rural Niger
International journal of epidemiology 25, no. 3 (1996): 568.
Journal Article
Douglas, Robert M, and Rennie D'Souza.
Health transition research in the control of morbidity and mortality from Acute Respiratory Infection
(1996) Health Transition Review.
Journal Article
Becker, Stan, Youssef Waheeb, Bouthaaina El-Deeb, Nagwa Khallaf, and Robert Black.
Estimating the completeness of under-5 death registration in Egypt
Demography 33, no. 3 (1996): 329-339.
Journal Article
Jackman, Robert W, and Ross A Miller.
The poverty of political culture
American Journal of Political Science 40, no. 3 (1996): 697-716.
Journal Article
Franklin, Robert R, Doudou Sarr, Momar Gueye, Omar Sylla, and René Collignon.
Cultural Response to Mental Illness in Senegal: Reflections through Patient Companions—Part I. Methods and Descriptive Data
Social Science & Medicine 42, no. 3 (1996): 325-338.
Journal Article
Magnani, Robert J, Naomi Rutenberg, and H G McCann.
Detecting induced abortions from reports of pregnancy terminations in DHS calendar data
Studies in Family Planning 27, no. 1 (1996): 36-43.
Journal Article
Mattes, Robert, and Jennifer Christie.
Personal versus collective quality of life and South Africans' evaluations of democratic government
(1997) Social Indicators Research.
Working Paper
Mishra, Vinod, Robert D Retherford, and Kirk R Smith.
Effects of cooking smoke on prevalence of tuberculosis in India
(1997) East West center Working Paper Series.
Ndhlovu, Lewis, Julie Solo, Robert Miller, Kate Miller, and Achola Ominde.
An assessment of clinic-based family planning services in Kenya: Results from the 1995 Situation Analysis Study
Nairobi: Population Council, 1997.
Journal Article
Retherford, Robert D, and Shyam Thapa.
Fertility trends in Nepal, 1977-1995
(1998) Contributions to Nepalese Studies.
Journal Article
Hanenberg, Robert, and Wiwat Rojanapithayakorn.
Changes in prostitution and the AIDS epidemic in Thailand
AIDS Care 10, no. 1 (1998): 69-79.
Speizer, Ilene, David Hotchkiss, Robert Magnani, Brian Huuard, and Kristen Nelson.
Do family planning service providers in Tanzania unnecessarily restrict access to contraceptive methods?
: MEASURE Evaluation, Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998.
Journal Article
Rao, K.V., Vinod Mishra, and Robert D Retherford.
Mass media can help improve treatment of childhood diarrhoea
(1998) National Family Health Survey Bulletin.
Miller, Kate, Robert Miller, Ian Askew, Marjory C Horn, and Lewis Ndhlovu.
Clinic-based family planning and reproductive health services in Africa: findings from situation analysis studies
New York, New York: Population Council Africa Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project. United States Agency for International Development, 1998.
Working Paper
Hotchkiss, David R, Robert J Magnani, Lisanne F Brown, Curtis S Florence, and Abdelylah Lakssir.
Family planning program effects on contraceptive use in Morocco, 1992-1995
(1998) Measure Evaluation, Carolina Population Center.
Working Paper
Gandotra, M.M., Robert D Retherford, Arvind Pandey, Norman Luther, and Vinod Mishra.
Fertility in India
(1998) National FamIly Health Survey Subject Reports Number .
Working Paper
Naiman, Robert, and Neil Watkins.
Growth, Social Spending, and Debt Relief
Journal Article
Mishra, Vinod, Robert Retherford, and Kierk Smith.
Biomass cooking fuels and prevalence of tuberculosis in India
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 3, no. 3 (1999): 119-129.
Katende, Charles, Rodney Knight, Robert Gardner, Moses Lubale, Cheryl Lettenmaier, Bates Buckner, Cindy Paeratakul, and Catherine Elkins.
Uganda delivery of improved services for health evaluation surveys, 1997
: USAID, 1999.
Journal Article
Bern, Caryn, Hector H Garcia, Carlton Evans, Armando E Gonzalez, Manuela Verastegui, Victor W. C Tsang, and Robert H Gilman.
Magnitude of the Disease Burden from Neurocysticercosis in a Developing Country
Clinical Infectious Diseases 29, no. 5 (1999): 1203-1209.
Working Paper
Mishra, Vinod K, Robert D Retherford, and Kirk K Smith.
Cooking with biomass fuels increases the risk of tuberculosis
(1999) NFHS bulletin.
Journal Article
Mishra, Vinod K, Robert D Retherford, and Kirk R Smith.
Biomass cooking fuels and prevalence of blindness in India
Journal of Environmental Medicine 1, no. 4 (1999): 189-199.
Showing 31-60 of 845