
Showing 391-393 of 393
Thesis or Dissertation
Zambrano Palma, Luis D, and María G Cando Castillo. "Diseño de un banco de prueba para evaluar el comportamiento térmico dinámico en ensambles de envolventes para edificaciones locales." Thesis, Escuela Superior Politécnica Del Litoral, 2016.
Journal Article
Zinszer, Kate, Katia Charland, Ruth Kigozi, Grant Dorsey, Moses R Kamya, and David L Buckeridge. "Determining Health-Care Facility Catchment Areas in Uganda Using Data on Malaria-Related Visits." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 92, no. 3 (2014): 178-186.
Journal Article
Zinszer, Kate, Ruth Kigozi, Katia Charland, Grant Dorsey, Timothy F Brewer, John S Brownstein, Moses R Kamya, and David L Buckeridge. "Forecasting malaria in a highly endemic country using environmental and clinical predictors." Malaria Journal 14, no. 1 (2015): 245.
Showing 391-393 of 393