
Showing 151-153 of 153
Thesis or Dissertation
Manríquez, María Paz S, Mario P Macías, and Luis S Moreira. "Vision BB: Telemedicina Aplicada al Control Oftamológico Precoz de Niños Prematuros. Proyecto Piloto en la Provincia del Guayas." Título De Magister, Escuela Superior Politécnica Del Litoral, 2013.
Journal Article
Viens, Laura J, Sean Clouston, and Catherine R Messina. "Women's autonomy and cervical cancer screening in the Lesotho Demographic and Health Survey 2009." Social Science & Medicine (2016).
Barrett, Zachary, Andrea Berrios, Yukuai He, Sean Larsen, Miguel Novoa, Kwame Twumasi-Ankrah, and Camille Vega. Youth Employment in Ghana: Conditions and Determinants. 2015.
Showing 151-153 of 153