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Journal Article
Rodriguez, Camila, Juan Miguel Gallego, Daniel Martinez, Sergio Montoya, and Tatiana Peralta-Quiros. "Examining Implementation and Labor Market Outcomes of Targeted Transit Subsidies: Subsidy by Sistema Nacional de Seleccion de Beneficiarios for Urban Poor in Bogota, Colombia." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , no. 2581 (2016).
Journal Article
Báez-Saldaña, Renata, Guadalupe Delgado-Sánchez, Lourdes García-García, Luis Pablo Cruz-Hervert, Marlene Montesinos-Castillo, Leticia Ferreyra-Reyes, Miriam Bobadilla-del-Valle, Sergio Canizales-Quintero, Elizabeth Ferreira-Guerrero, and Norma Téllez-Vázquez,. "Isoniazid Mono-Resistant Tuberculosis: Impact on Treatment Outcome and Survival of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Southern Mexico 1995-2010." PloS one 11, no. 12 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Salgado-Vega, Jesus, Maria C Salgado-Vega, and Sergio Miranda-Gonzalez. "Education Expenditures by State and Inequality in Mexico 2000-2014." Journal of Education & Social Policy 3, no. 4 (2016): 43-53.
Journal Article
Birhane, Meseret G, Mary Elizabeth G Miranda, Jessie L Dyer, Jesse D Blanton, and Sergio Recuenco. "Willingness to pay for dog rabies vaccine and registration in Ilocos Norte, Philippines (2012)." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10, no. 3 (2016).
Working Paper
Bucheli, Marisa, and Cecilia Olivieri. "Gendered effects of the personal income tax: evidence from a schedular system with individual filing in a developing country." Universidad de la República (2017).
Journal Article
Sibanda, Euphemia L, Mary Tumushime, Juliet Mufuka, Sue Napierala Mavedzenge, Stephano Gudukeya, Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, Karin Hatzold, Harsha Thirumurthy, Sandra I McCoy, and Nancy Padian. "Effect of non-monetary incentives on uptake of couples' counselling and testing among clients attending mobile HIV services in rural Zimbabwe: a cluster-randomised trial." The Lancet Global Health 5, no. 9 (2017): e907-e915.
Thesis or Dissertation
Escobar Avellaneda, Lina Paola, Sergio Daniel Gonzalez Cuartas, and Edwin Fernando Bogota Garcia. "Los manuales de convivencia y los discursos relacionados con la diversidad sexual en la escuela : un análisis en cinco colegios de la localidad de San Cristobal en Bogotá." licenciados en Psicología y pedagogía, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2017.
Journal Article
Rodríguez-De Ávila, Ubaldo, Johanna Bocanegra-Sandoval, Edilberto Maestre-Onate, and Sergio Lozano-Gonzalez. "Opiniones sobre las practicas anticonceptivas en estudiantes de una facultad de humanidades en santa marta." Duazary: Revista Internacional de Ciencias de la Salud 14, no. 1 (2017): 25-34.
Working Paper
Krishnan, Nandini, Racha Ramadan, and Sergio Olivieri. "Estimating the Welfare Costs of Reforming the Iraq Public Distribution System." WB Policy Research Working Paper , no. 8106 (2017).
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