
Showing 31-60 of 63
Thesis or Dissertation
Guerra Rosero E, Tania. "Gender Earnings Gap in urban Ecuador: Looking beyond Averages." Master Thesis, Lund University, 2013.
Journal Article
Santos, Tania, and ACEP Carlos Alberto Florindo. "New country, new needs, new responses: Irregular labour migration to Timor-Leste." ACP (2013).
Journal Article
Perera, Priyantha J, Nishadhi T Abeyweera, Meranthi P Fernando, Tania D Warnakulasuriya, and Nayomi Ranathunga. "Prevalence of dental caries among a cohort of preschool children living in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka: A descriptive cross sectional study." BMC Oral Health 12, no. 1 (2012): 49.
Journal Article
Casas, Paola, Luis Varela, Tania Tello, Pedro Ortiz, and Helver Chávez. "Perfil Clínico del Adulto Mayor Atendido Ambulatoriamente en un Hospital General." Revista Medica Herediana 23, no. 4 (2012): 229-234.
Journal Article
Vuylsteke, Bea, Gisele Semde, Lazare Sika, Tania Crucitti, Virginie Ettiegne Traore, Anne Buve, and Marie Laga. "HIV and STI prevalence among female sex workers in Cote d'Ivoire: Why targeted prevention programs should Be continued and strengthened." PloS one 7, no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Limón González, José Briam, and Tania Esmeralda Rocha Sánchez. "Prejuicio sexista y atribuciones de éxito o fracaso de líderes: importancia del contexto a evaluar." Ensenanza e Investigacio en Psicologia 17, no. 2 (2012): 329-341.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abdella, Abdu. "Sustainable Groundwater Development and Management for Irrigation in Raya And Kobo Valleys, Northern Ethiopia." Master Thesis, Addis Ababa University, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alvarado Cedeño A, Tania. "Estructura y Dinámica del Subempleo en la Ciudad de Guayaquil 2009-2010." Thesis, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2011.
Journal Article
Mihaiescu, Tania. "Fizes Watershed, Romania. Population Study." ProEnvironment 2011, no. 4 (2011): 417-424.
Journal Article
Frederick, Howard, Stephen Haslett, Tania Wolfgramm, and ‘Ata’ata Finau. "Measuring entrepreneurial activity in low-teledensity countries." International Journal of Business and Globalisation 6, no. 3-4 (2011): 251-291.
Journal Article
Pelegrini, Andreia, R. S Coqueiro, Edio L Petroski, and Tania Bertoldo R Benedetti. "Diabetes Mellitus Auto-Referido e Sua Associação com Excesso de Peso em Idosos." Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 13, no. 6 (2011): 442-447.
Conference Paper
Strohaecker M, Tânia. "O Planejamento Territorial no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul." XIV Encontros Nacionais da ANPUR. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Maio 23-27, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mero K, Tania Sotomayor. "Desarrollo local y turismo del cantón Salinas 2010." Título de economista, Universidad de Guayaquil, 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Armijos Suquilanda, Tania M, and Carmen R Quizhpe Quizhpe. "Rol del Sistema Financiero en los Procesos de Centralización del Capital de los Cantones Chilla, Atahualpa y Portovelo." Thesis, Universidad Central de Loja, 2011.
Journal Article
Perera, Priyantha J, Meranthi Fernando, Tania Warnakulasuria, and Nayomi Ranathunga. "Feeding practices among children attending child welfare clinics in Ragama MOH area: a descriptive cross-sectional study." International breastfeeding journal 6, no. 1 (2011): 1.
Journal Article
Mahmood, Shehrin S, Mohammad Iqbal, SMA Hanifi, Tania Wahed, and Abbas Bhuiya. "Are'Village Doctors' in Bangladesh a curse or a blessing?." BMC international health and human rights 10, no. 1 (2010): 18.
Journal Article
Campos, Frederico G, Ligia V Barrozo, Tania Ruiz, Chester Galvão L César, Marilisa Azevedo B Barros, Luana Carandina, and Moisés Goldbaum. "Distribuição Espacial dos Idosos de um Município de Médio Porte do Interior Paulista Segundo Algumas Características Sócio-Demográficas e de Morbidade." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 25, no. 1 (2009): 77-86.
Working Paper
Rajadel, Tania, Nicola Pontara, and Maria Sanchez L Puerta. "The Mauritanian Labor Market through the Lens of the 2004 National Household Survey." Policy Research WP , no. 4954 (2009).
Baghdadli, Ilhem, Bernard Harborne, and Tania Rajadel. Breaking the Cycle: A Strategy for Conflict-sensitive Rural Growth in Burundi: Main Report. : World Bank Publications, 2008.
Baghdadli, Ilhem, Richard Harborne, and Tania Rajadel. Rompre le Cercle Vicieux: Une Stratégie pour Promouvoir la Croissance dans un Milieu Rural Sensible aux Conflits au Burundi. : World Bank Publications, 2008.
Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina, Tania Sainz, and Susan Pozo. Remittances and healthcare expenditure patterns of populations in origin communities: evidence from Mexico. : BID-INTAL, 2007.
Wahed, Tania, Abbas Bhuiya, Mushtaque A R Chowdhury, Syed Masud Ahmed, and Abbas Bhuiya. Use of household income and consumption data as a measure of poverty in rural Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Parallel Printers, 2007.
Journal Article
Timaeus, Ian M, and Tania Boler. "Father figures: The progress at school of orphans in South Africa." Aids 21, no. suppl 7 (2007): S83-S93.
Journal Article
Pinheiro, Rejane S, and Tania Guillén Z Torres. "Uso de Serviços Odontológicos entre os Estados do Brasil." Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 11, no. 4 (2006): 999-1010.
Working Paper
Keulder, Christiaan, and Tania Wiese. "Democracy without democrats? Results from the 2003 Afrobarometer survey in Namibia." Afrobarometer Working Paper no. 47 , no. 47 (2005).
Thesis or Dissertation
Vásquez R, Tania. "The Institutional Process of an Education Decentralization Policy: The Case of the Rural Networks of Schools in Peru in 2002." Master Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Alay, Tania Boni M, Melissa Salazar J Coronel, and Glenda Tigrero K Del Pezo. "Implementacion de una Agencia de Desarrollo Empresarial en la Peninsula de Santa Elena." Thesis, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, 2003.
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