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Journal Article
Sauer, Christine M, Nicole M Mason, Mywish K Maredia, and Rhoda Mofya-Mukaka. "Impacts of legume technologies on food security: evidence from Zambia." Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy.
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Working Paper
Henry, Sabine, and Richard Bilsborrow. "How migrants choose their destination in Burkina Faso?." (2006)
Thesis or Dissertation
Kachali, Rhoda Nthena. "Stakeholder Interactions in Wetlands: Implications for Social Ecological System Sustainability: A Case of Lukanga Swamps, Zambia." Master of Science , Lund University, 2007.
Journal Article
Shivani Rajkomar, Sraddha, and Anthea Fraser Gupta. "Playing School in Mauritius." International Journal of Multilingualism 5, no. 4 (2008): 294-315.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Santcross, Nick, Keith Hinchliffe, Anthea Williams, Sulleiman Adediran, and Felicia Onibon. Country case study: Nigeria. 2009.
Journal Article
Stephenson, Kevin, Rachel Amthor, Sally Mallowa, Rhoda Nungo, Busie Maziya-Dixon, Simon Gichuki, Ada Mbanaso, and Mark Manary. "Consuming cassava as a staple food places children 2-5 years old at risk for inadequate protein intake, an observational study in Kenya and Nigeria." Nutrition journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 1.
Journal Article
Gegios, Alison, Rachel Amthor, Busie Maziya-Dixon, Chedozie Egesi, Sally Mallowa, Rhoda Nungo, Simon Gichuki, Ada Mbanaso, and Mark J Manary. "Children consuming cassava as a staple food are at risk for inadequate zinc, iron, and vitamin A intake." Plant foods for human nutrition 65, no. 1 (2010): 64-70.
Journal Article
Muliira, Rhoda S, and Joshua K Muliira. "Health-Promoting Practices and the Factors Associated with Self-Reported Poor Health in Caregivers of Children Orphaned by AIDS in Southwest Uganda." African Journal of AIDS Research 10, no. 4 (2011): 479-486.
Working Paper
Gakuru, Rhoda, and Naomi Mathenge. "Poverty, Growth, and Income Distribution in Kenya." (2012)
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Journal Article
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda, Solomon Tembo, Nicholas Sitko, and Arthur M Shipekesa. "FTF Population-Based Survey Indicators." (2012) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute.
Journal Article
Kyaddondo, David, Rhoda K Wanyenze, John Kinsman, and Anita Hardon. "Home-based HIV Counseling and Testing: Client Experiences and Perceptions in Eastern Uganda." (2012) BMC Public Health.
Journal Article
Buregyeya, Esther, Fred Nuwaha, Rhoda K Wanyenze, Ellen H. M Mitchell, Bart Criel, Suzanne Verver, Simon Kasasa, and Robert Colebunders. "Utilization of HIV and Tuberculosis Services by Health Care Workers in Uganda: Implications for Occupational Health Policies and Implementation." (2012) Plos One.
Journal Article
Ediau, Michael, Juliet N Babirye, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, Joseph KB Matovu, Simba Machingaidze, Olico Okui, Rhoda K Wanyenze, and Peter Waiswa. "Community knowledge and perceptions about indoor residual spraying for malaria prevention in Soroti district, Uganda: a cross-sectional study." Malaria Journal 12, no. 1 (2013): 170.
Working Paper
Mason, Nichole M, T S Jayne, and Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka. "A Review of Zambia’s Agricultural Input Subsidy Programs: Targeting, Impacts, and the Way Forward." (2013)
Journal Article
Buregyeya, Esther, Fred Nuwaha, Suzanne Verver, Bart Criel, Robert Colebunders, Rhoda Wanyenze, Joan N Kalyango, Achilles Katamba, and Ellen MH Mitchell. "Implementation of Tuberculosis Infection Control in Health Facilities in Mukono and Wakiso Districts, Uganda." (2013) BMC Infectious Diseases.
Working Paper
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda, and Arthur Shipekesha. "Value Chain Analysis of the Groundnuts Sector in the Eastern Province of Zambia." (2013)
Journal Article
Eisele, Thomas P, Dale A Rhoda, Felicity T Cutts, Joseph Keating, Ruilin Ren, Aluisio JD Barros, and Fred Arnold. "Measuring coverage in MNCH: Total survey error and the interpretation of intervention coverage estimates from household surveys." PLoS Medicine 10, no. 5 (2013).
Journal Article
Philip-Ephraim, Ekanem Eyo, Komomo I Eyong, Sidney K Oparah, Uduak E Williams, Ndifreke Udonwa, Abraham N Gyuse, and Rhoda Philip Ephraim. "Profile of Neurologic Emergencies at the accident & emergency Department of a Tertiary Hospital in South Nigeria." Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 30, no. 1 (2013): 072-080.
Journal Article
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda, Nicole M Mason, Auckland Kuteya, and Stephen Kabwe. "How can the Zambian government improve the targeting of the farmer input support program." (2013) Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute.
Journal Article
Tumwesigye, Benson T, Damalie Nakanjako, Rhoda Wanyenze, Zainab Akol, and Nelson Sewankambo. "Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation by the AIDS Control Program in Uganda: A Review of the Processes." (2013) Health Research Policy and Systems.
Journal Article
Mitchell, Rhoda. "Domestic violence prevention through the Constructing Violence-free Masculinities programme: an experience from Peru." Gender & Development 21, no. 1 (2013): 97-109.
Journal Article
Mason, Nicole M, Thomas S Jayne, and Rhoda Mofya-Mukuka. "Zambia's input subsidy programs." Agricultural Economics 44, no. 6 (2013): 613-628.
Book Section
Gitonga, Rhoda K, and Catherine G Murungi. "Advancing Higher Education with Mobile Learning Technologies: Cases, Trends, and Inquiry-Based Methods: Cases, Trends, and Inquiry-Based Methods." (2014) Web 2.0 Technology Use by Students in Higher Education: A Case of Kenyan Universities.
Journal Article
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Conference Paper
Mofya-Mukuka, Rhoda, and Christian H Kulhgatz. "Nutritional Effects of Agricultural Diversification and Commercialization in Children in Zambia." 2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis, 07 27-29, 2014.
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