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Maharani, Asri, and Gindo Tampubolon. "Has decentralisation affected child immunisation status in Indonesia?." (2014) Global health action.
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Adisasmita, Asri, Carl V Smith, Ayman AE El-Mohandes, Poppy Elvira Deviany, Judith J Ryon, Michele Kiely, Quail Rogers-Bloch, and Reginald F Gipson. "Maternal characteristics and clinical diagnoses influence obstetrical outcomes in Indonesia." Maternal and child health journal 19, no. 7 (2015): 1624-1633.
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Adisasmita, Asri C, Siti Maemun, Wulan Sari, and Septyana Choirunisa. "Strategies to Promote Six Months of Exclusive BA Review of Theses and Undergraduate Theses of Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Indonesia.." Health Science Journal 10, no. 5 (2016): 1-9.
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