
Showing 1-30 of 235
Journal Article
Perafan, Astrid Lorena, William Andres Martinez, Carlos David Rodriguez, Claudia Liliana Astaiza, Victor Hugo Lozano, and Nancy Carmen Gonzalez. "Aproximacion desde una vision sistemica a la calidad de vida de la poblacion del municipio de Popayan (comunas 7, 8 y 9, Poblazon y Quintana)."
Journal Article
Varela, Maria Basilia Valenzuela, and Claudia Monica Sanchez Bernal. "Aportes para la formacion del municipio San Ignacio Cerro Gordo. Una experiencia de vinculacion." deVinCi.
Working Paper
Giannelli, Gianna Claudia, Lucia Mangiavacchi, and Luca Piccoli. "Where is dad? May be at the bar! The effects of alcohol consumption on intra-household time."
McInerney, Mary, and Claudia de la Quintana. A comparative study of three strategies to improve the sustainability of a Bolivian family planning provider. La Paz, Bolivia: Centro de Investigacion, Educacion y Salud, 1994.
Thesis or Dissertation
Haarmann, Claudia. "The role of a Community Fund as a means of enhancing the new Child Support Grand system in South Africa." Master's thesis, University of the Western Cape, 1998.
Working Paper
Haarmann, Claudia. "South Africa's new child support grant: A developmental perspective." Applied Fiscal Research Centre Research Monograph Series , no. 11) (1999).
Journal Article
Hopenhayn-Rich, Claudia, Steven R Browning, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Catterina Ferreccio, Cecilia Peralta, and Herman Gibb. "Chronic Arsenic Exposure and Risk of Infant Mortality in Two Areas of Chile." Environmental Health Perspectives 108, no. 7 (2000): 667-673.
Journal Article
Ferreccio, Catterina, Claudia Gonzalez, Vivian Milosavjlevic, Guillermo Marshall, Ana Maria Sancha, and Allan H Smith. "Lung Cancer and Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water in Chile." Epidemiology 11, no. 6 (2000): 673-679.
Thesis or Dissertation
Haarmann, Claudia. "Social assistance in South Africa: Its potential impact on poverty." PhD thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2000.
Working Paper
Haarmann, Claudia. "Poverty and the current social assistance programmes in South Africa." Applied Fiscal Research Centre Research Monograph Series , no. 21 (2001).
Journal Article
Uga, Alicia Domingues, Célia Maria de Almeida, Célia Landmann Szwarcwald, Cláudia Travassos, Francisco Viacava, José Mendes Ribeiro, Nilson do Rosário Costa, Paulo Marchiori Buss, and Silvia Porto. "Considerations on methodology used in the World Health Organization 2000 Report." (2001) {Cadernos de Sa\~A\textordmasculinede P\~A\textordmasculineblica}.
Journal Article
Aggarwal, Rimjhim, Sinaia Netanyahu, and Claudia Romano. "Access to natural resources and the fertility decision of women: the case of South Africa." Environment and Development Economics 6, no. 02 (2001): 209-2.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aguilar, Claudia Regina. "Equidad y salud materno-infantil en Honduras." Maestría en Población y Salud, Universidad de Costa Rica , 2001.
Journal Article
Kaufman, Carol E, Thea Wet, and Jonathan Stadler. "Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa." Studies in family planning 32, no. 2 (2001): 147-160.
Journal Article
Babalola, Stelia, Claudia Vondrasek, Jane Brown, and Regina Traoré. "The impact of a regional family planning service promotion initiative in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Cameroon." (2001) International Family Planning Perspectives.
Journal Article
Binder, Claudia, and Nikola Patzel. "Preserving tropical soil organic matter at watershed level. A possible contribution of urban organic wastes." Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 61, no. 1-2 (2001): 171-181.
Working Paper
Haarmann, Claudia. "Social assistance programmes: Options and impact on poverty and economic development in South Africa." Applied Fiscal Research Centre Research Monograph Series , no. 22 (2001).
Tamassia, Claudia, and Andreas Schleicher. Sample Tasks from the PISA 2000 Assessment: Reading, Mathematical and Scientific Literacy. : ERIC, 2002.
Rokx, Claudia, Rae Galloway, and Lynn Brown. Prospects for improving nutrition in eastern Europe and central Asia. : World Bank Publications, 2002.
Samson, Michael, Oliver Babson, Claudia Haarman, Dirk Haarman, Gilbert Khathi, Kenneth Mac Quene, and Ingrid van Niekerk. Research review on social security reform and the basic income grant for South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: Economic Policy Research Institute, 2002.
Journal Article
Mathers, Colin D, Christina Bernard, Kim M Iburg, Mie Inoue, Doris Ma Fat, Kenji Shibuya, Claudia Stein, Niels Tomijima, and Hongyi Xu. "Global burden of disease in 2002: data sources, methods and results." (2003) Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy Discussion Paper.
Hannum, Emily, and Claudia Buchmann. The consequences of global educational expansion: Social science perspectives. Cambridge, MA, USA: American Academy of Art and Sciences, 2003.
Fernandez, Raquel, Alessandra Fogli, and Claudia Olivetti. Mothers and Sons: Preference Transmission and Female Labor Force Dynamics. 2003.
Journal Article
Cadavid Herrera, Jose Vicente, Margarita Jaramillo Cardona, and Claudia Patricia Lopez Sanchez. "Desarrollo y competitividad de empresas del oriente antioqueno." Ecos de Economia 3, no. 10 (2003): 66-132.
Conference Paper
Cappa, Claudia. "An application of Sen’s capability approach to well-being distribution in India: sorting out the issues.." The 4th International Conference on the Capability Approach “Enhancing Human Security”. Pavla, Italy, September 5-7, 2004.
Working Paper
Fernandez, Raquel, Alessandra Fogli, and Claudia Olivetti. "Preference formation and the rise of women's labor force participation: Evidence from WWII." (2004)
Journal Article
Senik, Claudia. "Relativizing Relative Income." (2004) Working Paper.
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