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Journal Article
Petroze, Robin T, Winta Mehtsun, Albert Nzayisenga, Georges Ntakiyiruta, Robert G Sawyer, and Forrest J Calland. "Ratio of Cesarean Sections to Total Procedures as a Marker of District Hospital Trauma Capacity." World Journal of Surgery 36, no. 9 (2012): 2074-2079.
Journal Article
Petroze, Robin T, Elayne K Phillips, Albert Nzayisenga, Georges Ntakiyiruta, and Forrest J Calland. "Healthcare Worker Safety: A Vital Component of Surgical Capacity Development in Low-Resource Settings." International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 18, no. 4 (2012): 307-311.
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Groen, Reinou S, Mohamed Samai, Robin T Petroze, Thaim B Kamara, Sahr E Yambasu, James F Calland, Peter T Kingham, Thomas M Guterbock, Barbara Choo, and Adam L Kushner. "Pilot testing of a population-based surgical survey tool in Sierra Leone." World journal of surgery 36, no. 4 (2012): 771-774.
Journal Article
Petroze, Robin T, Reinou S Groen, Francine Niyonkuru, Melissa Mallory, Edmond Ntaganda, Shahrzad Joharifard, Thomas M Guterbock, Adam L Kushner, Patrick Kyamanywa, and Forrest J Calland. "Estimating Operative Disease Prevalence in a Low-Income Country: Results of a Nationwide Population Survey in Rwanda." Surgery 153, no. 4 (2013): 457-464.
Journal Article
Petroze, Robin T, Shahrzad Joharifard, Reinou S Groen, Francine Niyonkuru, Edmond Ntaganda, Adam L Kushner, Thomas M Guterbock, Patrick Kyamanywa, and Forrest J Calland. "Injury, Disability and Access to Care in Rwanda: Results of a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Population Study." (2014) World Journal of Surgery.
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