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Showing 1-27 of 27
Book Section
Sherpa, Pasang.
Indigenous Peoples' Customary Laws and Practices in Natural Resource Management: A Case Study of Ngisyang Valley, Manang
Journal Article
Kapur, Deeksha, Kailesh Agarwal, Sushma Sharma, Kusum Kela, and Iqbal Kaur.
Iron status of children aged 9-36 months in an urban slum Integrated Child Development Services project in Delhi
Indian pediatrics 39, no. 2 (2002): 136-144.
Working Paper
Dahal, Govinda P, Monique Hennink, and Andrew Hinde.
Risky sexual behaviour among young men in Nepal
(2005) Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Applications & Policy Working Paper.
Journal Article
Dahal, Madan Kumar, Mohan Man Sainju, Mohan Prasad Lohani, Shankar Prasad Sharma, and Umakant Parajuli.
Nepal: a generic guideline for development through economic diplomacy
(2008) Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA).
Conference Paper
Saigal, Sushil, Ganga R Dahal, and Bhaskar Vira.
Regenerating Wastelands Through Cooperatives: Experience of Tree Growers’ Cooperatives in Rajasthan, India
Governing Shared Resources: Connecting Local Experience to Global Challenges, the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons.
Cheltenham, England, 2008.
Journal Article
Dahal, Govinda P, Sabu S Padmadas, and PR Andrew Hinde.
Fertility-limiting behavior and contraceptive choice among men in Nepal
International Family Planning Perspectives 34, no. 1 (2008): 6-14.
Journal Article
Narain, Sushma.
Gender and access to finance
(2009) Analytical Paper, World Bank.
Journal Article
Dahal, Hari, and Doj Raj Khanal.
Food security and climate change adaptation framework: issues and challenges
Nayar, Reema, Pablo Gottret, Pradeep Mitra, Gordon Betcherman, Yue M Lee, Indhira Santos, Mahesh Dahal, and Maheshwor Shrestha.
More and Better Jobs in South Asia
: World Bank Publications, 2012.
Journal Article
Adhikari, B K, U Koirala, S T Lama, and P Dahal.
Situation of iron deficiency and its management prioritizing dietary intervention in Nepal
Nepal Journal of epidemiology 2, no. 2 (2012): 182-190.
Thesis or Dissertation
Dahal, Ngamindra Raj.
Prospects of enhancing soil organic carbon in upland (bari) farms of mid hills nepal through sustainable soil management practices
Master of Philosophy, Kathmandu University, 2012.
Journal Article
Dahal K, Ramesh.
Factors Influencing the Choice of Place of Delivery among Women in Eastern Rural Nepal
International Journal of Maternal and Child Health 1, no. 8 (2013).
Journal Article
Dahal, Sudhamshu, and Arul I Aram.
Empowering indigenous community through community radio: A case study from Nepal
The Qualitative Report 18, no. 41 (2013): 1-26.
Journal Article
Dahal, Sushma, and Raj K Subedi.
Characteristics of Consumers of Family Planning Services in Eastern Nepal
(2013) Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology.
Journal Article
Dahal, Nagmindra, and Roshan M Bajracharya.
Effects of Sustainable Soil Management Practices on Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon in Upland Agricultural Soils of Mid-hills of Nepal
Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 13, no. 1 (2013): 133-141.
Journal Article
Joshi, Sunil Kumar, Pranab Dahal, Agya Poudel, and Helen Sherpa.
Work related injuries and musculoskeletal disorders among child workers in the brick kilns of Nepal
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health 3, no. 2 (2014): 2-7.
Journal Article
Dhakal, Santosh, Durga Datt Joshi, Anita Ale, Minu Sharma, Meena Dahal, Yogendra Shah, Dhan Kumar Pant, and Craig Stephen.
Regional variation in pig farmer awareness and actions regarding Japanese encephalitis in Nepal: implications for public health education
PloS one 9, no. 1 (2014).
Book Section
Suwal, Rudra, and Madhav Prasad Dahal.
Economically active population: Dimensions and dynamics
(2014) Population Monograph of Nepal.
Journal Article
Padmadas, Sabu S, Fiifi A Johnson, Tiziana Leone, and Govinda P Dahal.
Do mobile family planning clinics facilitate vasectomy use in Nepal?
Contraception Journal 89, no. 6 (2014): 557-563.
Working Paper
Dahal, Mahesh, and Quynh Nguyen.
Private non-state sector engagement in the provision of educational services at the primary and secondary levels in South Asia: an analytical review of its role in school enrollment and student achievement
Journal Article
Dahal, Sushma, Sabeena Maharjan, Raj Kumar Subedi, and Juna Maharjan.
Role of Media in Provoking Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents in Urban Nepal
Health 7, no. 01 (2015): 98.
Journal Article
Dahal, Digambar Singh, and Shixiong Cao.
Sustainability Assessment of Community Forestry Practices in Nepal: Literature Review and Recommendations to Improve Community Management
(2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences.
Working Paper
Subedi, Giri Raj, and Pradiumna Dahal.
Micronutrient powder use and infant and young child feeding practices in an integrated pilot program
Working Paper
Gunnala, Rajni, Giriraj Subedi, Pradiumna Saba Mebrahtu , and MA Dahal.
Identifying acceptability and price points for purchasing micronutrient powders for children 2 to 5 years old in Nepal
Journal Article
Panthi, Jeeban, Suman Aryal, Piyush Dahal, Parashuram Bhandari, Nir Y Krakauer, and Vishnu Prasad Pandey.
Livelihood vulnerability approach to assessing climate change impacts on mixed agro-livestock smallholders around the Gandaki River Basin in Nepal
Regional environmental change 16, no. 4 (2015): 1121-1132.
Journal Article
Dahal, Piyush, Nicky Shree Shrestha, Madan Lall Shrestha, Nir Y Krakauer, Jeeban Panthi, Soni M Pradhanang, Ajay Jha, and Tarendra Lakhankar.
Drought risk assessment in central Nepal: temporal and spatial analysis
Natural Hazards 80, no. 3 (2016): 1913-1932.
Journal Article
Thapa, JK, P Manandhar, RK Subedi, S Dahal, NB Mahotra, and A Pandey.
Assessing Health Status of Khanigaun Village Development Committee in Nuwakot District of Nepal
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council 14, no. 32 (2016): 13-17.
Showing 1-27 of 27