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Showing 1-30 of 669
Working Paper
Manyatsi, Absalom M, Timothy S Thomas, Michael T Masarirambi, Sepo Hachigonta, and Lindiwe Majele Sibanda.
Working Paper
Ferrett, Helen L, Henri Carrara, Natalie L Cuzen, Kevin GF Thomas, Susan F Tapert, George Fein, and Dan J Stein.
Prevalence Ratios of South African Adolescents with Impaired Neuropsychological Functioning Related to Trauma, Alcohol and Nicotine Exposure
Banda-Chalwe, Martha, and Thomas Mtonga.
Unzart Zafod National Implementation Plan/National Disability Mainstreaming Plan
Journal Article
Lopez, Justo Rojas, Oscar Frausto Martinez, Javier Tun Chim, and Thomas Ihl.
Acceso a servicios de saneamiento y al agua
Revista Iberoamericana de Urbanismo.
Journal Article
Karmorh Jr, Benjamin S, Abdulai Jalloh, Gerald C Nelson, and Timothy S Thomas.
West African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis.
Journal Article
Sánchez, Enrique, Adriana Hurtado Guerra, César Suárez, and Thomas Walschburger.
Escenario natural, social y cultural del Complejo Ecorregional Chocó-Darién (CECD)
Journal Article
Robinson, Timothy Paul, William Wint, Giulia Conchedda, and Thomas Van Boeckel.
Mapping the global distribution of livestock-Supplementary Information
Working Paper
Dara, Yin, Ly Vuthy, Prak Leang Huor, Thomas Olesen, and Peter Degen.
Time Allocation of Fisher-Farmer Households in Phlong Village, in Fishing Lot#14, Kampong Chhnang Province
Working Paper
Bougma, Moussa, Thomas K Legrand, and Jean-François Kobiane.
Préférences éducatives et comportements de fécondité en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso
Working Paper
Jayne, Thomas S, Nicole M Mason, William J Burke, and Joshua Ariga.
Agricultural input subsidy programs in Africa: an assessment of recent evidence
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy.
Working Paper
Raoa, Nisha, Allahna Esber, Abigail Turner, Joseph Chilewani, Venson Banda, and Alison Norris.
Who decides? Joint decision making leads to better obstetric choices
Website Document
Benedikter, Thomas.
Minority Languages in India
Weisskopf E, Thomas.
China and India: A Comparitive Survey of Economic Development Performance
Working Paper
Pantham, Thomas.
The social bases of party recruitment: A study of party organisational activists in an Indian city
Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 13, no. 2 (1975): 113-131.
Journal Article
Little, Roderick A. J, and Thomas W Pullum.
The General Linear Model and Direct Standardization: A Comparison
Sociological Methods & Research 7, no. 4 (1979): 475-501.
Walker, Thomas S, and James G Ryan.
Village and household economics in India's semi-arid tropics
: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan.
Gender differences in household resource allocations
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper , no. LSM79 (1991).
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, John Strauss, and Maria-Helena Henriques.
How does mother's education affect child height?
The Journal of Human Resources 2, no. 2 (1991): 183-211.
Working Paper
Thomas, Duncan.
Gender differences in household resource allocations
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper , no. 79 (1991).
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, Victor Lavy, and John Strauss.
Public policy and anthropometric outcomes in Cote d'Ivoire
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM89 (1992).
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, and Ityai Muvandi.
The demographic transition in Southern Africa: Another look at the evidence from Botswana and Zimbabwe
Demography 31, no. 2 (1994): 185-207.
Working Paper
Thomas, Duncan, and Ityai Muvandi.
How fast is fertility declining in Botswana and Zimbabwe?
World Bank Discussion Papers: Africa Technical Department Series , no. 258 (1994).
Journal Article
Thomas, D, and I Muvandi.
The demographic transition in Southern Africa: Reviewing the evidence from Botswana and Zimbabwe
Demography 31, no. 2 (1994): 217-227.
Journal Article
Quinn C, Thomas.
Population migration and the spread of types 1 and 2 human immunodeficiency viruses
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91, no. 7 (1994): 2407-2414.
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan.
Like father, like son; like mother, like daughter: parental resources and child height
The Journal of Human Resources Volume 29, no. 4 (1994): 950-988.
Journal Article
Meisenhelder, Tom.
Bonanza and dependency in Botswana
Studies in Comparative International Development 29, no. 1 (1994): 38-49.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, John Strauss, Duncan Thomas, and Philippe De Vreyer.
The impact of the quality of health care on children's nutrition and survival in Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM106 (1995).
Thomas, Duncan, and John Maluccio.
Contraceptive choice, fertility, and public policy in Zimbabwe
Washington, D.C.: World Bank Publications, 1995.
Journal Article
Thomas, N, and C Mercer.
An examination of the fertility/contraceptive prevalence anomaly in Zimbabwe
Genus 51, no. 3/4 (1995): 179-203.
Journal Article
Bollen, Kenneth, David Guilkey, and Thomas Mroz.
Binary outcomes and endogenous explanatory variables: tests and solutions with an application to the demand for contraceptive use in Tunisia
Demography 32, no. 1 (1995): 111-131.
Showing 1-30 of 669