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Showing 1-30 of 328
Journal Article
Perafan, Astrid Lorena, William Andres Martinez, Carlos David Rodriguez, Claudia Liliana Astaiza, Victor Hugo Lozano, and Nancy Carmen Gonzalez.
Aproximacion desde una vision sistemica a la calidad de vida de la poblacion del municipio de Popayan (comunas 7, 8 y 9, Poblazon y Quintana)
Journal Article
Garcia, Victor, and Sergio I Velarde.
Ajuste en la estructura por edad de las poblaciones censales de Mexico
La situación demográfi ca de México 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vazquez, Victor Tejada.
TipologIa Del Uso Del Agua En La Comunidad De San Diego Tlaylotlacan, Texcoco, Edo. De Mexico
Universidad Autonoma Chapingo.
Journal Article
Bashiru, Motin, Victor Fred Ohene, Moses Dumayiri, and Gordon Terkpeh Sabutey.
Growth Determinants of Farm Enterprises in Ghana: Evidence from Eastern Region
International Journa of Innovative research and Studies.
Working Paper
Víctor Hugo, Marín Domínguez.
Estructura y Condiciones del Mercado Laboral en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México 1999-2010
Victor, Crisostomo Murguia, and Guzman Cortes Josue.
Estado y prospectiva del polígono inmediato a la basílica de guadalupe, en el marco de la planeación urbana
Working Paper
Moguel Flores, Ana G, Adalberto Tejeda Martínez, and Victor H García Pacheco.
Propuesta para la evaluación de riesgos por inundaciones urbanas: el caso de Xalapa (México)
Journal Article
Kapata, Nathan, Pascalina Chanda-Kapata, Justin O’Grady, Samana Schwank, Mathew Bates, Victor Mukonka, Alimuddin Zumla, and Peter Mwaba.
Trends of Zambia’s tuberculosis burden over the past two decades
Tropical Medicine and International Health.
Journal Article
Urquidi, Victor L, and Adalberto Garcia Rocha.
La construccion de vivienda y el empleo en Mexico
(1973) Demografia y economia.
Altimir, Oscar, Joel Bergsman, Cesar Zazueta, Socrates Rizzo, Victor Maldonado, Juan Diez Canedo, Gabriel Vera, Jesus Cervantes, Octavio Gomez, Enrique Arnaud, and others.
Distribucion del ingreso en Mexico: ensayos
Garcia, Victor, and others.
Mexico: la mortalidad infantil a nivel nacional y por regiones; aplicacion de la variante Trussell del metodo de Brass
Abeykoon, A. T, Soma Silva, and Victor de Silva.
Population studies in Sri Lanka and Indonesia based on the1987 Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey and the 1987 National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey
: Measure DHS, 1990.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, and John M Quigley.
Willingness to pay for the quality and intensity of medical care: low-income households in Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM94 (1991).
Barbiero, Victor K, Charlotte Cromer, and Shelley Smith.
HPN sector assessment Zambia
Journal Article
DeGraff, Deborah S, and Victor Silva.
Unmet need for contraception in Sri Lanka
(1991) International Family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Tsui, Amy O, VIctor Silva, and Ruth Marinshaw.
Pregnancy avoidance and coital behavior
Demography 28, no. 1 (1991): 101-117.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor.
Investment in human capital: schooling supply constraints in rural Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM93 (1992).
Journal Article
Thomas, Duncan, Victor Lavy, and John Strauss.
Public policy and anthropometric outcomes in Cote d'Ivoire
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM89 (1992).
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere R, and Victor Lavy.
Children's health and achievement in school
(1994) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 104.
Journal Article
Khandker, Shahidur, Victor Lavy, and Deon Filmer.
Schooling and cognitive achievements of children in Morocco: Can the government Improve outcomes?
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, John Strauss, Duncan Thomas, and Philippe De Vreyer.
The impact of the quality of health care on children's nutrition and survival in Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM106 (1995).
Lavy, Victor Chaim, M Palumbo, and Steven Stern.
Health care in Jamaica: quality, outcomes, and labor supply
Lavy, Victor Chaim, Jennifer Spratt, and Nathalie Leboucher.
Changing patterns of Illiteracy in Morocco: assement methods compared
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, John Strauss, Duncan Thomas, and Philippe de Vreyer.
Quality of health care, survival and health outcomes in Ghana
Journal of Health Economics Volume 15, no. 2 (1996): 333-357.
Journal Article
Agadjanian, Victor, and Zhenchao Qian.
Ethnocultural identity and induced abortion in Kazakstan
(1997) Studies in Family Planning.
Working Paper
Lavy, Victor, Michael Palumbo, and Steven Stern.
Quality of medical facilities, health, and labor force participation in Jamaica
Journal Article
Angrist, Joshua, and Victor Chaim Lavy.
The effect of a change in language of instruction on the returns to schooling in Morocco
Journal of Labor Economics 15, no. 1 (1997): S48-7.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, and Jennie Spratt.
Patterns of incidence and change in Moroccan literacy
Comparative Education Review 41, no. 2 (1997): 120-141.
Rafaralahy R, Victor.
Recensement General De La Population Et De L’habitat. Rapport D’analyse. Tome VII. Ménage et Habitat
Journal Article
Antoine, Philippe, and Victor Piche.
L'insertion à Dakar et à Bamako
(1998) Trois générations de citadins au Sahel .
Showing 1-30 of 328