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Journal Article
Dionne, Kim Yi, Patrick Gerland, and Susan Watkins. "AIDS exceptionalism: another constituency heard from." AIDS and Behavior 17, no. 3 (2013): 825-831.
Journal Article
Planck, Jennifer A, Tracey E Hall, Marley W Watkins , and Frank C Worrell. "Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in Trinidadian Adolescents." (2013) The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment.
Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, Jere R Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, John A Maluccio, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "Attrition in longitudinal household survey data: some tests for three developing country samples." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 2447 (2000).
Journal Article
Watkins, David A, Zachary D Olson, Stephane Verguet, Rachel A Nugent, and Dean T Jamison. "Cardiovascular disease and impoverishment averted due to a salt reduction policy in South Africa: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis." Health policy and planning 31, no. 1 (2015): 75-82.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-Peter, Susan C Watkins, Jere R Behrman, Philip Anglewicz, Iliana V Kohler, Rebecca L Thornton, James Mkandawire, Hastings Honde, Augustine Hawara, and Ben Chilima. "Cohort Profile: The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)." (2014) International journal of epidemiology.
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Kumar, Rashika S, Arvind Patel, and Sherlin K Raju. "Cultural implications of whistle-blowing." (2011) The Fiji Accountant-Journal of the Fiji Institute of Accountants.
Journal Article
Thornton, Arland, Rachael S Pierotti, Linda Young-DeMarco, and Susan Watkins. "Developmental Idealism and Cultural Models of the Family in Malawi." Population Research and Policy Review 33, no. 5 (2014): 693-716.
Working Paper
Naiman, Robert, and Neil Watkins. "Growth, Social Spending, and Debt Relief." (1999)
Journal Article
Behrman, Jere R, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "How can we measure the causal effects of social networks using observational data? Evidence from the diffusion of family planning and AIDS worries in South Nyanza District, Kenya." (2001) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, and Ina Warriner. "How do we know we need to control for selectivity?." Demographic Research, Special Collection 1, no. 4 (2003): 109-142.
Journal Article
Smith, Brittney L, Mouna Khouchani, Mehdi Karkouri, Audrey J Lazenby, Katherine Watkins, Ali Tahri, Abdel-Latif Benider, Shireen Rajaram, and Amr S Soliman. "Incidence of Gastric Cancer in Marrakech and Casablanca, Morocco." (2015) Journal of cancer epidemiology.
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, Eliya Zulu, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Jere Behrman. "Introduction to: Social interactions and HIV/AIDS in rural Africa." (2003) Demographic Research.
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan. "Local and foreign models of reproduction in Nyanza Province, Kenya." Population and Development Review 26, no. 4 (2000): 725-759.
Journal Article
Watkins, John F, and Richard Ulack. "Migration and regional population aging in the Philippines." Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 6, no. 4 (1991): 383-411.
Working Paper
Olorunsaiye, Comfort Z, Margaret S Langhamer, Aaron S Wallace, and Margaret L Watkins. "Missed opportunities and barriers for vaccination: A descriptive analysis of private and public health facilities in four African countries." (2017)
Journal Article
Weinhardt, Lance S, Loren W Galvao, Alice F Yan, Patricia Stevens, Thokozani Ng’ombe Mwenyekonde, Emmanuel Ngui, Lindsay Emer, Katarina M Grande, Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, and Susan C Watkins. "Mixed-Method Quasi-Experimental Study of Outcomes of a Large-Scale Multilevel Economic and Food Security Intervention on HIV Vulnerability in Rural Malawi." AIDS and Behavior 21, no. 3 (2017): 712-723.
Journal Article
Bracher, Michael, Gigi Santow, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "Moving and Marrying: Modelling HIV Infection among Newlyweds in Malawi." Demographic Research 19, no. 1 (2003): 207-246.
Working Paper
Thornton, Rebecca, Agatha Bula, Kondwani Chavula, Simona Bignami-van Assche, and Susan Watkins. "Reactions to voluntary counseling and testing in rural Malawi." (2008) On-Line Working Paper Series, California Center for Population Research, UC Los Angeles.
Journal Article
Behrman, J.R., H.P. Kohler, and S.C. Watkins. "Social networks and changes in contraceptive use over time: Evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Kenya." Demography 39, no. 4 (2002): 713-738.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-peter, Jere Behrman, and Susan Watkins. "Social networks and HIV/AIDS risk perceptions." Demography 44, no. 1 (2007): 1-33.
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "Social networks, family planning and worrying about AIDS: What are the network effects if network partners are not determined randomly?." (2002) PIER Working Paper 02-002.
Journal Article
Batterman, Stuart, Joseph Eisenberg, Rebecca Hardin, Margaret E Kruk, Maria Carmen Lemos, Anna M Michalak, Bhramar Mukherjee, Elisha Renne, Howard Stein, and Cristy Watkins. "Sustainable control of water-related infectious diseases: a review and proposal for interdisciplinary health-based systems research." Environmental Health Perspectives 117, no. 7 (2009): 1023-1032.
Journal Article
Lai, Mun Yee, and Sara Murray. "Teaching with procedural variation: A Chinese way of promoting deep understanding of mathematics." (2012) International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Journal Article
Rutenberg, Naomi, and Susan Watkins. "The buzz outside the clinics: conversations and contraception in Nyanza Province, Kenya." (1997) Studies in Family Planning.
Journal Article
Grady, Michael, Sandra Watkins, and Greg Montalvo. "The effect of constructivist mathematics on achievement in rural schools." The Rural Educator 33, no. 3 (2012).
Journal Article
Menken, Jane, James Trussell, and Susan Watkins. "The nutrition fertility link: An evaluation of the evidence." (1981) Journal of Interdisciplinary History.
Journal Article
Watkins, Jocelyn Anstey, Olga Moleboneng Sello, Lucie Cluver, Lauren Kaplan, and Mark Boyes. "‘At school I got myself a certificate’: HIV/AIDS Orphanhood and Secondary Education: a Qualitative Study of Risk and Protective Factors." Global Social Welfare 1, no. 3 (2014): 111-121.
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