Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets 2016
Name | Country code |
St. Lucia | LCA |
Living Standards Measurement Study [hh/lsms]
The Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets 2016 (SLC-HBS) is the third in a series of LSMS type HBS surveys which have been done. The first of this series was done in 1997 and the second was done in 2005/06.
The SLCHBS 2016 is a comprehensive survey which combines a survey of living conditions with a survey of household income and expenditure. It is a rich source of socio-economic information on the household population and is often regarded as an essential source of data for the determination of social needs and establishment of targets for development planning.
This survey has three main objectives; firstly, it is designed to collect information from the country's households and families on their buying habits (expenditures), income and other characteristics. Secondly, the survey allows data users to relate the expenditures and income of consumers to the characteristics of those same consumers. Thirdly, this survey provides valuable data for an assessment of the impact of socio-economic policies on the conditions and levels of living of households. In addition, Information on the poor, their characteristics, expenditure patterns when compared to other groups in the society.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets 2016 questionnaire has the following units of analysis:
The scope of the Living Conditions and Household Budget Survey 2016 includes:
HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics, expenditure on accommodation, value of repair and maintenance of dwelling, major types of household expenses, furniture, furnishings and household equipment purchases, repairs and servicing of household equipment, food and beverages expenses, food security, other none-food expenditure, value of agriculture products produced and consumed at home, Vehicles owned and operated, vehicle maintenance and repair expenditure, mortality, social behaviour and exercise and shocks and coping strategies.
PERSONS: Demographic characteristics, health, education, social protection, economic activity, union status and fertility, clothing and footwear expenses, other expenses and disbursement.
SPENDERS: clothing and footwear expenses, other expenses, disbursement and income.
National coverage. Data is statistically significant up to the level of the largest district, namely Castries and Gros Islet. Data for the remaining districts can be used but with less than 95% confidence.
The survey covered all de jure household members (usual residents).
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia | Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Social Security, Government of Saint Lucia |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Edwin St Catherine | Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia | Survey Manager / Sampling methodology / Selection |
Central Statistics Office Staff | Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia | Questionnaire design |
World Bank | Questionnaire design | |
OECS Commission | Data collection | |
United Nations Development Programme (OECS & Barbados) | Data collection |
Name | Role |
Central Statistics Office of Saint Lucia | Funding |
Caribbean Development Bank | Funding |
World Bank | Funding |
United Nations Development Programme - OECS and Barbados | Funding |
Department for International Development | Funding |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Food and Agriculture Organisation | FAO | Questionnaire Design |
The desired sample design is a stratified, two-stage probability design. Full details of the theory and techniques for this type of design are presented in the classic texts of “Cochran, W. G. (1977) Sampling Techniques” and “Kish, L. (1965) Survey Sampling”.
The first, explicit level of stratification is geographic and is based on the country's administrative structure. There are 12 Districts, but for survey purposes two (the core and the suburban parts of Castries, the capital), are combined into a single stratum called Castries Urban, while two small districts, Anse-La-Raye and Canaries, are also combined into one stratum, making 10 strata in all. They vary quite widely in population, and this is reflected in the number of Census Enumeration Districts (EDs), ranging from 127 in Castries Rural to only 18 in Laborie. This fact influences the LFS and SLCHB sample allocations, but in different ways as will be seen in the corresponding sections of this report.
A second, implicit stratification is achieved by sorting the EDs of a stratum according to Census information on occupational groups. In the four "urban" strata (including Castries Rural), the sort is done according to the percentage of economically active persons in the category "Managers, Professionals and Sub-professionals", while in the rural areas the sorting criterion was the percentage of workers in agriculture. The 10 true strata, along with their implicit stratification due to sorting, are referred to in the working paper “St. Catherine, E. (circa 2002) Methodological Design of the St. Lucia Sample Frame to Assist with the Conduct of Surveys of Living Conditions and other Multipurpose Surveys” as Domains of Study.
1504 households were selected for the sample.
The sample design for the SLC-HBS was a two-stage probability design, based on the same principles as the Labour Force Survey (LFS) samples drawn from the Labour Force Survey Sample Frame. An independent sample was drawn, but with minor constraints to avoid visiting households in the most recent LFS samples.
The LFS sample size was allocated proportionally to the size of each stratum, using number of households as MOS (Measure of Size). However, for the SLC-HBS, the sample allocation was modified to increase the overall sample size, and to give greater relative representation to the smaller strata. This was achieved in an ad hoc way by shortening the sampling intervals. First a small overall increase in the sample size was achieved by multiplying all the sampling intervals by .95. Next, an additional adjustment was made by multiplying the interval by .9 (in Castries Urban, Castries Rural and Gros Islet), by .7 (Vieux Fort, Micoud and Dennery) or by .5 (Anse-La-Raye/Canaries, Soufriere, Choiseul and Laborie).
The overall response rate is 73% using the sample frame. The sample frame is under estimating the response rate by about 7% since it includes some closed and some vacant dwellings. Therefore the overall response rate is about 80%. Response Rates by District is as follows:
Castries Urban: 65%
Castries Rural: 71%
Anse La Raye: 75%
Soufriere: 78%
Choiseul: 82%
Laborie: 83%
VieuxFort: 73%
Micoud: 75%
Dennery: 73%
Gros Islet: 69%
Sample weights were calculated for each of the data files.
Sample weights for the household data were computed as the inverse of the probability of selection of the household, computed at the sampling domain level (for each district). The household weights were adjusted for non-response at the primary sampling unit (PSU) level (Enumeration Districts/ED approximately) and were then normalized by a constant factor so that the total weighted number of households at the PSU/ED equals the total unweighted number of households. A district-level expansion factor was then applied to each PSU to raise the dataset to the level of the population.
The questionnaires were administered to each household using the tablet computer on which the questionnaire is loaded.
The questionnaire for the SLC-HBS 2016 is in English and it is provided as an external resource.
Start | End |
2015-11-01 | 2016-08-31 |
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistics Office | Ministry of Economic Affairs |
La prueba preliminar y los pilotos para la encuesta se llevaron a cabo del 15 de noviembre de 2014 al 15 de septiembre de 2015, cuatro de esos ejercicios se llevaron a cabo para garantizar que la implementación de la tableta de esta encuesta se realizó sin problemas e incluyó a 10 entrevistadores. Cuatro de estas personas se convertirían luego en supervisores de la encuesta principal.
Cada equipo entrevistador estaba compuesto por 4-6 entrevistadores (Hubo muy pocos entrevistadores masculinos). Se utilizó un total de 20 entrevistadores, 4 supervisores y 1 persona de soporte de datos. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo durante un período de aproximadamente 10 meses desde noviembre de 2015 hasta septiembre de 2016. Las entrevistas se realizaron todos los días durante el período de trabajo de campo, aunque se permitió a los equipos de entrevistas tomarse días libres por semana.
Las entrevistas promediaron 60 minutos para el cuestionario del hogar, 30 minutos para el cuestionario de la persona.
El coordinador general de la encuesta fue el Sr. Edwin St Catherine, Director de Estadística.
Data editing took place at a number of stages throughout the processing, including:
a) Office editing and coding mostly by the supervisors when the electronic questionnaires were uploaded to the office cloud
b) Structure checking and completeness was also done by the supervisors in addition to their field related checking duties.
c) The tablet questionnaire application also used a larger number of consistency and structural edits which assisted a great deal with the data cleaning during the interview by the enumerators.
d) Secondary editing was done by exporting the data to STATA and checking especially the completeness of the data collected on food consumed in addition to assigning calories to the food consumed
e) Structural checking of STATA data files
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia | Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Social Security, Government of Saint Lucia | | |
Licensed datasets, accessible under conditions.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia- Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budgets (SLC-HBS) 2016, Ref. LCA_2015_SLC-HBS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Copyright 2016, Central Statistics Office
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director of Statistics | CSO | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Saint Lucia Central Statistics Office | Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Social Security | Documentation of Study |
Version 1.0 (November 2017).