Study of Population Density and Distribution in Upper Krishna Basin: a Spatio-Temporal Analysis

Type Working Paper - RESEARCH FRONT
Title Study of Population Density and Distribution in Upper Krishna Basin: a Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL JAN-MAR 2013/14 rr gharge POpulation----- Density UKB.pdf
The analysis of density of population is fundamental for understanding the population geography of any area. A significantly wider regional variation in the pattern of density is revealed at tahsil level. Once again sharp edged boundaries can be noticed between the area of high density on the one hand and area of low density, on the other. Size and density of population are the fundamental issues and their disparities are of prime concern to population geographers. The geographers’ task is to explain this diversity in terms of physical, social, demographic, economic, political and historical factors as an inter-related influence (Clarke, 1976). The present study has aimed to explain the distributional patterns and spatio-temporal changes of population in upper Krishna basin. Population is unevenly distributed throughout the region. In central parts tahsils, a thick concentration is found while in others, it is very sparse. This variation is mainly associated with the topographical characteristics of the different parts of the region; demographic factors such as birth rate, death rate and migration, process of economic development, scarcity of water are some of the problems in the study region.

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