Career or educational aspirations? Low fertility intentions and high contraceptive intentions among prospective brides in Tehran, Iran

Type Working Paper
Title Career or educational aspirations? Low fertility intentions and high contraceptive intentions among prospective brides in Tehran, Iran
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This study aims to examine whether women’s aspiration for advancing education and having a
career after marriage, are associated with their fertility intention. This is based on the first phase
of the Tehran Single Child Intention Study (TSCIS) conducted in July and August 2012 , in a
representative sample of men and women attended premarital compulsory courses in Tehran
(448 women were considered here). Nearly, 40% reported educational aspiration and 73.8%
reported career aspiration after marriage. Multivariate analysis indicated that currently employed
women who intended to work after marriage had a significantly lower fertility intension,
compared to women having no intention to work after marriage irrespective to their current
employment status (Beta coefficient=0.17, P<0.001), adjusting for age and education. Policy
implications: The government should provide flexible and part-time careers for women to help
them to fulfill their preferred number of children (i.e., two children), while being active

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