Communal conflicts in Nigeria: an examination of Ezillo and Ezza-Ezillo conflict of Ebonyi State,(1982-2012)

Type Journal Article - Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review
Title Communal conflicts in Nigeria: an examination of Ezillo and Ezza-Ezillo conflict of Ebonyi State,(1982-2012)
Volume 4
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 514-526
The paper undertook a comprehensive study of a wide range of issues involved in the protracted
character of the fifty-two (52) year Ezillo-Ezza-Ezillo Communal conflict. The paper also
underlined the systemic and overlapping cyclical nature of the conflict in terms of its causes. In
the review of literature we tried to situate in proper perspective, by undertaking conceptual
review of conflict, communal conflict and their causes. We reviewed conventional causes such as
indigene-settler-problematic, socio-economic and political resources. Extant literatures are of the
view that conflict are caused by a multivariable factors. Similarly, the indeterminate and
imprecise definition of who is an indigene and who is not, coupled with the mistrust, rivalries that
occasion the coexistence of the two social categories are the major conflict triggers in many
Nigeria communities including Ezza-Ezillo- Ezillo. This much was also elaborated in the
theoretical framework for the study which was anchored on the Marxist theory of conflicts and
the pluralism theory. The main thrust being that the hostile relation usually inherent in societies
are driven by differences in material resources and existence of groups and subgroups. Following
from our review of extant literature and analysis, we discovered that issues such as indigenship,
land ownership, cultural denigration, competition for resources and measures taken by the
government managing the conflicts were responsible for the conflict. In view of these unresolved
issues the paper proffered plausible recommendations.

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