The clash - social, environmental and economical changes in tourism destination areas caused by tourism the case of Himalayan villages (India and Nepal)

Type Journal Article - Current Issues of Tourism Research
Title The clash - social, environmental and economical changes in tourism destination areas caused by tourism the case of Himalayan villages (India and Nepal)
Volume 5
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
Page numbers 6-19
Natural, social and economic factors all play a part in tourism induced change in the tourism destination area, especially in Global South countries
like India and Nepal, where tourism is seen as an important component in the development process. The current study involved interviewing
(n=162) the local population at three Himalayan villages: Sucto (India), Nagarkot and Birethanti (Nepal). Thus, the opinions and views of local
communities concerning tourism industry are very important elements in the creation of the development process, as a negative attitude towards visitors
can seriously limit development. The unique nature of the Himalayas has led to a considerable sociological evolution of these diverse mountain
communities, which are very sensitive towards foreign influence. This delicate ecosystem is being invaded by increasing levels of tourism activity. This
paper has proven the progressive nature (stadiums) of the interactions: initial, indirect and final, thus presenting that a tourist destination area
that is more developed only shows, to the less developed, the image of its own future. The process (tourism) that generates such a large transformation
must be taken into consideration when developing plans to protect the environment.

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