Risk factors for coronary heart disease in the Indians of Durban

Type Journal Article - South African Medical Journal
Title Risk factors for coronary heart disease in the Indians of Durban
Volume 78
Issue 10
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 1990
Page numbers 442-454
URL https://www.ajol.info/index.php/samj/article/download/160098/149677
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major problem in migrant
Indians throughout the world. In South Africa it has reached
'epidemic' proportions. A field survey was conducted among
Indians in the metropolitan area of Durban to determine the
prevalence and known risk factors for CHD. In a study of 778
sU~jects aged 15 - 69 ye~rs (408 men), 15,3% (sex and age
adJusted 13,4%) had a history of CHD. The important risk
factors in men were hypercholesterolaemia, hypertrigJyceridaemia,
diabetes, and smoking, and in women diabetes,
hypercholesterolaemia, and hypertriglyceridaemia. The minor
risk factors were hyperuricaemia, sedentary occupation,
obesity in women and a positive family history of CHD. A
study of the major risk factors leading to CHD showed that
52% (sex and age adjusted 45,5%) had at least one major risk
factor at the higher (level A) and 68% (sex and age adjusted
61,9%) at the lower (level B) risk levels. Diabetes mellitus was
strongly associated with a positive history of CHD. In 47,6%
(sex and age adjusted 48,2%) of the total group resting ECG
abnormalities were found that could be coded. Because of
the severe nature of CHD in the migrant Indian, an immediate
and intensive programme of primary prevention of CHD risk
factors should be instituted.

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