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Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
Apers, Ludwig, C Wijarajah, J Mutsvangwa, N Chigara, P Mason, and P Van der Stuyft. "Accuracy of routine diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in an area of high HIV prevalence." The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 8, no. 8 (2004): 945-951.
Journal Article
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Conference Paper
Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob, Nicole Mason, Thomas Jayne, Francis Addeah Darko, Solomon Tembo, and others. "Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2013 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC." Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting. August 4-6, 2013.
Working Paper
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Journal Article
Mason, John B, Adam Bailes, Karen E Mason, Olivia Yambi, Urban Jonsson, Claudia Hudspeth, Peter Hailey, Andrea Kendle, Dominique Brunet, and Pierre Martel. "AIDS, drought, and child malnutrition in southern Africa." Public Health Nutrition 8, no. 06 (2005): 551-563.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Mwaniki, Michael K, Hellen W Gatakaa, Florence N Mturi, Charles R Chesaro, Jane M Chuma, Norbert M Peshu, Linda Mason, Piet Kager, Kevin Marsh, and Mike English. "An increase in the burden of neonatal admissions to a rural district hospital in Kenya over 19 years." Bio Med Central public health 10, no. 1 (2010): 591.
Thesis or Dissertation
Vásquez López, Katty, and Nicole Tirado Pertuz. "Análisis de los determinantes socioeconómicos de la percepción de inseguridad en cartagena, tercer trimestre de 2013." Universidad de Cartagena, 2013.
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Journal Article
Victora, CG, Luis Huicho, JJ Amaral, J Armstrong-Schellenberg, Fatuma Manzi, Elizabeth Mason, and Robert Scherpbier. "Are health interventions implemented where they are most needed? District uptake of the integrated management of childhood illness strategy in Brazil, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84, no. 10 (2006): 792-801.
Journal Article
Joshi, Madhav, and David T Mason. "Between democracy and revolution: peasant support for insurgency versus democracy in Nepal." Journal of Peace Research 45, no. 6 (2008): 765-782.
Journal Article
Shrestha, Prakash Sunder, Sanjaya Kumar Shrestha, Ladaporn Bodhidatta, Tor Strand, Binob Shrestha, Rita Shrestha, Ram Krishna Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak, and Carl J Mason. "Bhaktapur, Nepal: The MAL-ED Birth Cohort Study in Nepal." Clinical Infectious Diseases 59, no. suppl 4 (2014): S300-S303.
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Fung, Winnie, Lenis Saweda O Liverpool-Tasie, Nicole Mason, and Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere. "Can Crop Purchase Programs Reduce Poverty and Improve Welfare in Rural Communities? Evidence from the Food Reserve Agency in Zambia." (2015)
Journal Article
Nguyen, Nhung TT, Tran Minh Dien, Christian Schindler, Nguyen TB Lien, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Vu TH Lan, Nino Kunzli, and Laura Perez. "Childhood hospitalisation and related deaths in Hanoi, Vietnam: a tertiary hospital database analysis from 2007 to 2014." BMJ Open 7, no. 7 (2017).
Journal Article
Gaymard, Sandrine, Nicole Kay, and Jean-Claude Etoundi. "Climate change and beliefs in Cameroon: A qualitative study among farmers in the Equatorial and Sudano-Sahelian zones." Canadian Social Science 11, no. 7 (2015): 53-64.
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Rose, Amy Nicole. "Data Fusion Methods for Improved Demographic Resolution of Population Distribution Datasets." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tennessee , 2015.
Journal Article
Baez, Javier Eduardo, and Andrew Mason. "Dealing with climate change: household risk management and adaptation in Latin America." (2008) SSRN eLibrary.
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