Enhanced Care Management Impact Evaluation 2021 Update
ECMIE 2021
Name | Country code |
Estonia | EST |
Administrative Records, Health (ad/hea]
This is the 2021 summary data for this impact evaluation. The 2019 data can be accessed by staff on the Microdata Library here:
The Enhanced Care Management (ECM) intervention consists of training and coaching doctors and their teams to develop holistic care and pro-active outreach plans for chronically ill patients or those vulnerable to developing chronically illnesses. The core goal of ECM is to improve the quality of care provided to complex patients, including by increasing the use of preventive care, better coordinating care across health system levels, and increasing patient involvement in care. These elements can improve patient health and quality of life, and may reduce the need for curative medical services—for example, by supporting patients with diabetes to improve their diet and increase their level of fitness to limit further deterioration in their health.
ECM practices include improved tracking of tests and referrals, follow-up after hospital discharges, tracking medication adherence, monitoring between clinic visits, and focusing on achieving clinical quality. It includes four elements: identifying high-risk patients through risk stratification, developing care management plans by the primary care physician, proactively linking care providers together, and developing a team approach with patients and their caregivers.
Aggregate data [agg]
Enhanced Care Management provider
v01: Edited, anonymous dataset for official use
This version of the data includes the initial program uptake summary. The unit of analysis is the ECM provider. There are a total of 97 providers included in ECM out of 800 providers in the Estonia Health Insurance Fund network. This dataset includes the summary for these 97 providers on ECM take up indicators such as care plans, patient invitations and patient consultations.
The scope of this study includes the following:
Random assignment of clinics into ECM and non-ECM clinics, Quality Bonus Scheme score, Management score, and Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) stratification
97 providers in the Estonia Health Insurance Fund and 2,389 patients spread across Estonia
Clinics and providers in Estonia registered with the Estonia Health Insurance Fund (EHIF)
Name | Affiliation |
Dan Rogger | The World Bank Group |
Kevin Croke | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Benjamin Danels | Georgetown University |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Jekaternia Steinmiller | Estonia Health Insurance Fund | Implementing partner |
Name | Abbreviation |
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund | SIEF |
Sampling of the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) intervention is done in two stages: 1. The first stage of sampling was done at the clinic level. The randomization was done by making performance blocks of management and Quality Bonus Scheme (QBS) score and, selecting 1/4th of clinics randomly from each block into ECM. Initially there were 93 clinics and 144 providers selected into ECM. 2. The second stage of sampling was done at the patient level. From each selected provider, 25 patients were selected into ECM using stratified random sampling.
This data submission consists of summary indicators for ECM activities. The most recent activity in ECM was making care plans of patients selected into ECM. The patient selection into ECM was conducted between June-September 2021 and 2,389 patients were randomly selected into ECM. Since then, the main ECM activities have been:
Any deviations from the sample design are due to provider dropout. 48 providers refused to participate in the program which reduced the number of providers in ECM. The patient refusal to join the program is recorded in the billing data.
Start | End | Cycle |
2021-01-01 | 2021-01-11 | Annual |
Name |
Estonia Health Insurance Fund |
The Estonia Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) billing data includes every health interaction of Estonian citizens. In summary, we have electronic medical and billing records spread over eight health care types - primary health care, day care, outpatient care, outpatient nursing care, outpatient rehabilitation care, inpatient care, inpatient nursing care, and inpatient rehabilitation care from 2009 until 2019.
World Bank Microdata Library
Name | Affiliation |
Meyhar Mohammed LNU | The World Bank Group |
Organization name | Affiliation |
Microdata Library | World Bank |
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund | The World Bank Group | | |
Daniel Rogger | The World Bank Group | | |
Meyhar Mohammed | The World Bank Group | | |
Katre Vaarsi | The World Bank Group | |
Official Access
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
World Bank Group. Estonia - Enhanced Care Management Impact Evaluation 2021 Update. Ref: EST_2021_ECMIE_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund | The World Bank Group | |
Daniel Rogger | The World Bank Group | |
Meyhar Mohammed | The World Bank Group | |
Katre Vaarsi | The World Bank Group | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | DECDG | The World Bank Group | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (July 2023)