Impact Evaluation of Rubber and Gender - Cote d'Ivoire Agriculture Sector Support Project, Baseline Survey 2016
PSAC 2016
Name | Country code |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
The agricultural sector in Côte d’Ivoire accounts for over 20 percent of GDP and provides employment and income to approximately half of all households. In addition, much of the manufacturing and transport sectors also depends on agriculture. The main export crops – cocoa, rubber, oil palm, cotton and cashew – play a key role in the sector’s growth and in poverty alleviation. Indeed, they are crucial income sources for smallholder farmers as well as the engines of major farming systems across the country.
In partnership with the World Bank and the French Development Agency (AFD), the Ministry of Agriculture developed the PSAC project, the effective start of which took place in May 2014. The goal of the PSAC project was to help farmers move from an extensive to an intensive and sustainable production model, based on better farming practices, the spread of high-yielding varieties, greater use of fertilizers, and appropriate mechanization. The overall development objective of the PSAC was to improve smallholder access to technologies and markets – and enhance governance of the country’s main export crop value chains.
The PSAC project had the following four components: 1) promotion of public-private partnership for sustainable cocoa development in South-West Côte d'Ivoire, 2) support to smallholder rubber and oil palm extension in South-East Côte d’Ivoire, 3) support to the cotton sector and promotion of cashew processing in Central and Northern Côte d’Ivoire and 4) project implementation and support to sector coordination. The Africa Gender Innovation Lab was engaged to conduct a gender-informed impact evaluation (IE) of targeted interventions within PSAC. After consultations with stakeholders and assessment of statistical feasibility, the aforementioned interventions within components two and three of PSAC were selected. In addition, within the first intervention, the Gender Innovation Lab, in partnership with the rubber value-chain consortium Association des Professionnels du Caoutchouc Naturel de Côte d'Ivoire (APROMAC), designed and evaluated an innovative behavioral intervention aimed at promoting inclusion of women in rubber cultivation and improving agricultural returns for farming households.
The rubber value chain impact evaluation is implemented in 10 regions of Côte d’Ivoire. 3,231 producers, corresponding to 3,054 households, were successfully surveyed at baseline in June-July 2016 before the start of the intervention. The main respondent was the household head, with specific questions on the rubber addressed to the producer in instances where the two diverged. Producers’ spouses were also asked a subset of questions.
Households, individuals, and plots of land
Data was collected using a questionnaire covering several themes. In total, twelve modules are covered by the questionnaire:
The study gathered information from 3,231 producers in 10 regions of Côte d'Ivoire, in the South and Center areas of the country.
Name | Affiliation |
Aletheia Donald | The World Bank |
Lea Rouanet | The World Bank |
Markus Goldstein | The World Bank |
Raising awareness for the registration of applicants to the grant program was made from January to April 2016. The application files were verified by APROMAC administrative officers and incomplete files were eliminated. Incomplete files and the candidates who did not meet the eligibility criteria were eliminated. Of the 6,246 applicants only 4,252 (68%) were eligible. A sample of 4,005 planters was drawn from the list of eligible applicants for the program. Given the objective of having 1,000 former beneficiaries among the beneficiaries of the program in 2016, all 546 eligible former beneficiaries were chosen to be beneficiaries.
The survey was conducted with a sample of 3,231 planters, candidates to the 2016 cost-shared rubber seedling subsidy program as well as to their spouses, for those who are married. 2,117 spouses were interviewed.
The multi-topic household survey instrument covered a detailed set of questions related to basic household demographics, intra-household control of resources, agricultural plots use, and agricultural production. The land modules elicit a rich set of information on market participation, agricultural investment, and the agricultural modules allow for productivity estimates at the agricultural plot level. Each respondent was subjected to all modules, and spouses of married respondents were subjected to some parts of the modules.
Start | End | Cycle |
2016-06-01 | 2016-07-01 | Baseline Survey |
Out of a total of 96 potential enumerators who participated in an 8-days training, 88 were selected for the field work. These 88 collection agents were divided into 22 teams of 4 people; each team comprising 2 collection agents, a controller and a team leader. 44 persons who were selected as team leads or controllers took an additional 3-days training.
The main mode of data collection was the use of a structured questionnaires. Data collection took place from June 14 to July 21, 2016. The surveys were individual and conducted in face-to-face interviews, with enumerators using tablets with CSPro 6.2 software.
Name |
World Bank |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Aletheia Donald (The World Bank), Lea Rouanet (The World Bank ), Markus Goldstein (The World Bank ). Cote d'Ivoire - Impact Evaluation of Rubber and Gender - Cote d'Ivoire Agriculture Sector Support Project, Baseline Survey 2016 (PSAC 2016). Ref: CIV_2016_PSACIE-BL_v01_M. Downloaded from [uri] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | DECDG | World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (2023-07-07)