Youth Employment and Skills Development Project - Apprenticeship Youth Surveys 2014-2018
PEJEDEC AYS 2014-2018
Name | Country code |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV |
This is one of 3 datasets for the impact evaluation published in Crépon and Premand, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships.", Review of Economic Studies.:
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Youth Surveys 2014-2018
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Firm Surveys 2014-2016
Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) - Apprenticeship Firm Listing 2021
All 3 datasets are available in the Microdata Library.
This study contains the Cote d'Ivoire Emergency Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) Apprenticeship Youth Surveys. This includes the baseline (2014), midline (2016) and endline(2018) survey datasets for the impact evaluation published in Crépon and Premand, 2024, "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships," Review of Economic Studies.
The entry also contains ancillary datasets used for the study:
Sample survey data [ssd]
Edited, anonymized dataset for public distribution.
The study covers the following themes:
Module A. Module information individuelle
Module B. Module composition du ménage
Module C. Avoirs du ménage
Module D. Module parents et amis
Module E. Module emploi actuel (situation d'emploi, activité principale, activités secondaires, emploi antérieur, activités agricoles)
Module F. Module recherche emploi et emploi futur (recherche d’emploi, perspectives d’emploi dans le futur)
Module G. Module épargne et finances
Module H. Module infrastructures et communications
Module I. Module violence et émotions
Module J. Préférences personnelles
Module K. Traits personnels
Module L. Module d’aptitudes
Module identification du jeune (pré chargé)
Module B : Information individuelle sur le jeune
Module C : Emploi du jeune (Situation d'emploi, Activité principale (7 derniers jours), Activité secondaire (7 derniers jours), Autres sources de revenu, Auto emploi)
Module D : Recherche d’emploi, perception et perspective d’emploi (Recherche d’emploi actuel, Perception et perspectives d’emploi)
Module E : Formation
Module F : Calendrier de la situation d’emploi
Module G : Traits de caractères
Module H : Épargne et finances
Module I : Module programme d’emploi
Module B : Information individuelle sur le jeune
Module C : Emploi du jeune section (situation d'emploi, activité principale (7 derniers jours), activité secondaire (7 derniers jours), autres sources de revenu)
Module D : Perception et perspectives d’emploi
Module E : Compétences analytiques, compétences techniques de routine, compétences techniques de non routine
Module F : Stabilité de l’emploi, calendrier de la situation d’emploi, calendrier de la situation d'emploi
Module E : Scolarisation et formation
Module H : Épargne et finances
The impact evaluation of the PEJEDEC apprenticeship program was implemented in seven urban localities in the interior of Cote d'Ivoire: Man, Daoukro, Gagnoa, Divo, Bouaké, Adzopé, and Mankono.
Name | Affiliation |
Bruno Crépon | CREST, JPAL |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME), World Bank |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
BCP-Emploi | PEJEDEC project | Baseline |
World Bank | Jobs MDTF | Midline |
JPAL | PPE initiative | Endline |
Across the seven study localities in the study, 1842 eligible youths applied to participate in the program. The baseline survey was collected among all these eligible youths.
An issue with the online server used for electronic data collection led to the loss of baseline data for 26% of firms.
1,661 youths (response rate: 90.7%) were surveyed at midline.
1,686 youths (response rate: 92%) were surveyed at endline.
Start | End | Cycle |
2014-07 | 2014-10 | Baseline |
2016-03 | 2016-06 | Midline |
2018-05 | 2018-10 | Endline |
Name |
BCPE (baseline) |
IPA (midline and endline) |
Baseline survey collected in person, midline and endline Surveys collected by phone.
Name |
Human Development Network (HDN) |
Name | Affiliation |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME) |
Bruno Crépon | CREST and JPAL |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Note - Whenever using this data, please cite the underlying study:
Crépon, Bruno and Patrick Premand. 2024. "Direct and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships", Review of Economic Studies.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Patrick Premand | Development Impact (DIME) | |
Bruno Crépon | CREST and JPAL | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | DECDG | World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (2024-07-24)