The prevalence of helminth eggs in the soil of Abuja recreational parks and gardens, Abuja Nigeria

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Master of Science
Title The prevalence of helminth eggs in the soil of Abuja recreational parks and gardens, Abuja Nigeria
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
In Nigeria and other developing countries where there is an uncontrolled population of
stray dogs and inadequate veterinary care, there is a likelihood of high degree of soil
contamination by geohelminth eggs. Recreational parks in Abuja receive a lot of visitors
daily. Contamination of these parks with geohelminths may expose humans to infection.
This study was set up to determine the prevalence of geohelminths in recreational parks in
Abuja and the extent of awareness of the risk of infection by the members of the public
who visit the parks. Seven recreational parks were studied out of the 28 officially approved
parks in Abuja phase I. a total of 764 samples were studied using sucrose floatation
medium with specific gravity 1.25. Helminth eggs were found in 68% of the soil samples
studied. Park D (83%) as the highest contaminated with geohelminths. Lowest rate (47%)
was observed in park A. Toxocara eggs (52%) were the most frequent helminth eggs,
followed by Teania (15%), Isosphora (7%) and Trichuris (3%). Park G was the most
contaminated with Toxocara eggs (64%) and park A (7%) the least contaminated with
Toxocara eggs. Of the 200 persons who visited the parks during the study period and were
interviewed, 184 (95%) were aware of human infection by helminthes, but only 36% were
aware that helminth infection can be acquired through soils contaminated with faeces. It is
concluded that soils in Abuja recreational parks are contaminated with helminth eggs. It is
important that members of the public be enlightened on the risk of soil borne helminth

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