
Showing 1-30 of 1049
Working Paper
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "Oil rents, policy and social development: Lessons from the Ghana controversy." United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Research Paper , no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Obeng-Denteh, BA Obeng, GO Fosu, and KM Addo. "Epidemiological Model of Promiscuous Lifestyle." British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science.
Conference Paper
Quartey, Peter, Patricia Aidam, and Camara K Obeng. "The impact of trade liberalization on poverty in Ghana." 9th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2011.
Journal Article
Obeng, Peter A, Bernard Keraita, Sampson Oduro-Kwarteng, Henrik Bregnhoj, Robert C Abaidoo, Esi Awuah, and Flemming Konradsen. "Usage and Barriers to Use of Latrines in a Ghanaian Peri-Urban Community." Environmental Processes 2, no. 1 (2015): 261-274.
Working Paper
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "Enhancing Urban Productivity in Africa." Opticon 1826 2, no. 1 (2007).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "The dynamics of timing and spacing of births in Ghana." (2005) Journal of Comparative Family Studies.
Obeng-Ofori, Dan, Phyllis Opare, and James Agyei-Ohemeng. Inventory of Existing and exploitable and technologies on Cocoa and Maize Production in Ghana. 2014.
Journal Article
Baysin, Vijay K, and Kamara K Obeng. "Trade Liberalization, Foreign Borrowing, Poverty and Income Distributions of Households in Ghana." (2004) The IUP Journal of Applied Economics.
Journal Article
Imoro, Braimah, and Kwame Obeng Nti. "Sustainable vocational skills development for poverty reduction in Northern Ghana." Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 10, no. 4 (2009).
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "Ethnicity and infant mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Ghana." PSC Discussion Papers Series 16, no. 10 (2002): 1.
Journal Article
Gyima, Stephen Obeng, Jerry White, and Paul Maxim. "Cohort perspectives on women's educational attainment and the timing of parenthood in Ghana." Journal of family and economic issues 26, no. 1 (2005): 123-142.
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration. 2013.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "Women's educational attainment and the timing of parenthood in Ghana: A cohort perspective." PSC Discussion Papers Series 17, no. 4 (2003): 1.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, and Rajulton Fernando. "The effects of infant deaths on the risk of subsequent birth: A comparative analysis of DHS data from Ghana and Kenya." Biodemography and Social Biology 49, no. 1-2 (2002): 44-57.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "Polygamous marital structure and child survivorship in Ghana: Age dependent effect?." PSC Discussion Papers Series 19, no. 13 (2005): 1.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "Cohort differences in women’s educational attainment and the transition to first marriage in Ghana." Population Research and Policy Review 28, no. 4 (2009): 455-471.
Working Paper
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "Fertility response to childhood mortality in sub-Saharan with emphasis on Ghana and Kenya." PSC Discussion Papers Series 16, no. 2 (2002): 1.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, Baffour Takyi, and Eric Tenkorang. "Denominational affiliation and fertility behaviour in an African context: An examination of couple data from Ghana." Journal of biosocial science 40, no. 3 (2008): 445.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng. "What has faith got to do with it? Religion and child survival in Ghana." Journal of biosocial science 39, no. 6 (2007): 923.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, Eric Y Tenkorang, Baffour K Takyi, Jones Adjei, and Gabriel Fosu. "Religion, HIV/AIDS and sexual risk-taking among men in Ghana." Journal of Biosocial Science 42, no. 4 (2010): 531-47.
Journal Article
Takyi, Baffour, and Stephen Obeng Gyimah. "Matrilineal family ties and marital dissolution in Ghana." Journal of Family Issues 28, no. 5 (2007): 682-705.
Journal Article
Kwankye, Stephen Obeng. "Female adolescents and reproductive change in Ghana: Evidence from an adolescent survey of two communities." African Population Studies 21, no. 1 (2006): 119-150.
Journal Article
Tenkorang, Eric Y, Jones K Adjei, and Stephen Obeng Gyimah. "Perceptions of HIV/AIDS risk and sexual risk-taking of young people in Ghana." Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement 31, no. 3-4 (2010): 439-457.
Journal Article
Gyimah, Stephen Obeng, Jones K Adjei, and Baffour K Takyi. "Religion, contraception, and method choice of married women in Ghana." (2011) Journal of Religion and Health.
Journal Article
Bhasin, Vijay K, Camara Obeng, and Isaac Bentum-Ennin. "Fertility, income and poverty of households in Ghana." (2009)
Thesis or Dissertation
Obeng B, Joseph. "A community survey on the factors influencing the utilization of skilled delivery services in the offinso south." Masters, KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2011.
Journal Article
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "Urban Land Policies in Ghana: A Case of the Emperor’s New Clothes?." The Review of Black Political Economy 41, no. 2 (2014): 119-143.
Journal Article
Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "Political-economic origins of Sekondi-Takoradi, West Africa’s new oil city." Urban Challenge (Urbani izziv) 23, no. 2 (2012): 121-130.
Journal Article
Obeng, Daniel Atuah. "Characteristics of Pedestrian Accidents on Trunk Roads in Ghana." International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) 2, no. 5 (2013): 46-54.
Journal Article
Dzisi, Smile, and Francis Obeng. "Microfinance and the Socio-economic Wellbeing of Women Entrepreneurs in Ghana." International Journal of Business and Social Research 3, no. 11 (2013): 45-62.
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