Internal Displacement Profiling in Hargeisa, 2015
Name | Country code |
Somalia | SOM |
To address the lack of comprehensive, reliable and agreed-upon data on displaced and other displacement-affected populations in Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland, UNHCR conducted a collaborative profiling exercise of different target groups in Hargeisa’s IDP settlements between January and June 2015 with the support of the Ministry of Repatriation, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (MRRR) and partners. The profiling was intended to inform the work of regional stakeholders in support of finding durable solutions for displaced populations in line with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons.
Sample survey data [ssd]
v2.1: Edited, anonymous dataset for public distribution
The specific objectives of the profiling exercise were to 1) provide an estimate of IDP population figures disaggregated by age, sex, location, and diversity; 2) identify different groups through the migration history of target populations; 3) analyze the current situation of target populations including their socio-economic situation, living conditions, and protection concerns; and, 4) understand the needs, capacities, and coping mechanisms of target populations that inform their choice regarding local integration, return to their place of origin, or resettlement.
Topic |
Protection |
Registration |
Other |
Solutions |
The profiling in Hargeisa covered 14 settlements across the city and 5 neighbourhoods where IDPs were residing among host communities.
The target populations for this profiling exercise were IDPs from Somaliland, IDPs from South-Central Somalia, economic migrants, host communities, and refugees and asylum-seekers. IDPs from Somaliland (also referred as “SL IDPs”) were defined as persons originally from Somaliland, who had been displaced to Hargeisa from another location in Somaliland, mainly as result of conflict, insecurity or disaster (floods and drought). IDPs from South–Central Somalia (also referred as “SC IDPs”) were defined as persons originating from Somalia (South-Central) who were displaced and found refuge in Somaliland mainly as a result of armed conflict, insecurity or disaster. During the profiling exercise, a second group of IDPs from South-Central Somalia was identified: out-of- settlement South-Central IDPs (also referred as “OoS SC IDPs”), who lived outside of the targeted settlements.
Name | Affiliation |
Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) | JIPS |
In order to capture representative samples of the different target populations outlined above, the survey used two different sampling approaches. A probabilistic sampling approach was used for IDPs from Somaliland, refugee returnees, economic migrants and host community living in settlements. The sample in the settlements was stratified by population group and was representative at the total population level. The distribution of each population group was proportionate to their size in each settlement and was considered when distributing the sample across the settlements. For the IDPs from South Central Somalia and refugees/asylum seekers, a non- probabilistic sampling approach was adopted due to the relatively small size of these population groups and scattered distribution in the urban area of Hargeisa. For the IDPs originating from south- central Somalia and residing in the urban areas of Hargeisa outside of the known settlements, the profiling deployed respondent- driven sampling, whereby the individuals being surveyed referred the data collectors to people they know. In turn, the next individuals surveyed referred the data collectors to people they know, and so forth (snowball sampling). Therefore, results cannot be generalised to the total population, but can give a good indication of the situation of the SC IDPs living outside of settlements. In addition, this method introduced a bias in the sample, as only the households linked to the initial network could be reached.
Start | End |
2015-02-01 | 2015-06-30 |
Name |
Joint IDP Profiling Service |
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: HDX_JIPS_SOM_2016_IDPProfiling_vEXT
Cost: None
Name | Affiliation | Role |
HDX | ||
Development Data Group | World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 1 (December 2022). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: HDX_JIPS_SOM_2016_IDPProfiling_vEXT, except the following edits were made:
-Document ID and Survey ID,